YouTube under no obligation to host anti-vaccine advocate’s videos, court says - Enlarge (credit: NurPhoto / Contributor | NurPhoto)
A prominen... - #vaccinemisinformation #covidmisinformation #covid-19vaccine #misinformation #anti-vaxxer #section230 #anti-vax #covid-19 #youtube #policy #google
#google #policy #youtube #section230 #anti #misinformation #covid #covidmisinformation #vaccinemisinformation
@DrALJONES @gemelliz We are their workforce and their customers and therefore the reason for their great wealth, but they despise us. #kochbros #covidmisinformation
#kochbros #covidmisinformation
What are the socioeconomic impacts of science and health misinformation and disinformation on the public and public policy in Canada? #faultlinesreport #covidmisinformation #trustscience
#faultlinesreport #covidmisinformation #trustscience
So let me get this straight...
There are people who believe that Damar Hamlin "died" from the "clot shot" and then was "replaced" by a "body double" because... there's an international cabal of "elites" deathly afraid that the "truth" about the vaccine will come out. Do I have that right?
"The 'Disinformation Dozen' produce 65% of the shares of anti-vaccine misinformation on social media platforms"
RT @rohangilkes
@RobbieJay @IanCopeland5 Disinformation Dozen
"Well, well, well! If it isn't the consequences of my actions!"
Spreading #COVIDmisinformation like these two yahoos have deadly consequences. By all means, if you don't want to get vaccinated, then please take that risk. However, if you die from #COVID, you'll have no one to blame but yourself, and by that time it will be too late.
Having said that, condolences to the family of #LynnetteHardaway, Diamond of '#DiamondandSilk'.
#covidmisinformation #covid #lynnettehardaway #diamondandsilk
Germany reminds Musk that removing disinformation from Twitter is a must - Enlarge (credit: SOPA Images / Contributor | LightRocket)
Twit... - #covidmisinformation #digitalservicesact #europeancommission #disinformation #misinformation #elonmusk #germany #twitter #policy
#policy #twitter #germany #elonmusk #misinformation #disinformation #europeancommission #digitalservicesact #covidmisinformation
Ars Technica: Germany reminds Musk that removing disinformation from Twitter is a must #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #COVIDmisinformation #DigitalServicesAct #EuropeanCommission #disinformation #misinformation #ElonMusk #germany #Twitter #Policy
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #covidmisinformation #DigitalServicesAct #europeancommission #disinformation #misinformation #elonmusk #germany #Twitter #policy
#Motherboard : A Doctor Was Deluged in Harassment After Joe Rogan Discussed an Obviously Fake Tweet on Air #vaccinemisinformation #COVIDmisinformation #joeroganexperience #nataliasolenkova #BretWeinstein #JOEROGAN #vaccines #Twitter
#motherboard #vaccinemisinformation #covidmisinformation #joeroganexperience #nataliasolenkova #bretweinstein #joerogan #vaccines #twitter
Rogan later offered his “sincere apologies” on Twitter.
#JOEROGAN #joeroganexperience #BretWeinstein #COVIDmisinformation #nataliasolenkova #Twitter #vaccines #vaccinemisinformation
#joerogan #joeroganexperience #bretweinstein #covidmisinformation #nataliasolenkova #twitter #vaccines #vaccinemisinformation
Highly recommend her:
She publishes great articles clearing up Covid misinformation and writes about other socially important topics.
#covid #covidmisinformation #COVID19
In a work meeting. "Remove the images of people in masks now that #covid is over" on our sales presentations.
#Volunteering last Sunday packing boxes to send to #Military #Deployed #HolidayCheer and was told by a smart lady that masks aren't needed anymore. I never took mine off for 6 hours of working with people.
#CovidIsNotOver #Mask
These people are not stupid. #CovidMisinformation
This #Pandemic is never going to end, is it?
#COVID #volunteering #military #deployed #holidaycheer #CovidIsNotOver #mask #covidmisinformation #pandemic
Tech (Global News): Twitter no longer enforcing COVID-19 misinformation policy after Musk takeover #globalnews #TechNews #Technology #covidmisleadinginformation #twittermisinformation #covidmisinformation #twittercovidpolicy #twittercovidrules #TwitterFreeSpeech #twitterlatest #Twitternews #COVID-19 #ElonMusk #Twitter #Health #COVID #Tech
#globalnews #technews #technology #covidmisleadinginformation #twittermisinformation #covidmisinformation #twittercovidpolicy #twittercovidrules #TwitterFreeSpeech #twitterlatest #Twitternews #covid #elonmusk #Twitter #health #Tech
“Musk… has been vocal about being a ‘free speech absolutist’ who believes in unfettered discussions online. He has moved swiftly to overhaul Twitter’s practices, allowing former President Donald J. #Trump — who was barred for tweets that could incite violence — to return. Last week, Musk proposed a widespread amnesty for accounts that Twitter’s previous leadership had suspended. And on Tuesday, he ended enforcement of a policy against #CovidMisinformation.…
Twitter stopped enforcing its #COVIDMisinformation policy. This plays into the hands of the #Autocrats I've been tweeting about while reading The Wires of War. #Misinformation sows discord and undermines the ability of people to coordinate on other issues.
That's the whole point of spreading lies like these. It's to force people to spend time arguing about what the truth even is, instead of focusing their attention on more important things.
#covidmisinformation #autocrats #misinformation
Elon Musk unbans Marjorie Taylor Greene's personal Twitter account | The Independent
The Georgia congresswoman was banned for repeatedly spreading Covid misinformation
#Twitter #covidmisinformation #musk #marjorietaylorgreene
Anti-vaccine groups avoid Facebook bans by using emojis - Enlarge (credit: Aurich Lawson)
Pizza slices, cupcakes, and ca... - #covidmisinformation #anti-vaxxer #covid-19 #facebook #science #policy #emojis
#emojis #policy #science #facebook #covid #anti #covidmisinformation