🔹Swine flu vaccine (1976), 1 serious event per 100,000 vaccinees, Vaccine withdrawn
🔹Rotavirus vaccine Rotashield, (1999),1 to 2 serious events per 10,000 vaccinees, Vaccine withdrawn
🔸Covid mRNA vaccines, 1 serious event per 800 vaccinees, Vaccine officially promoted
#RememberCovidIsAnAirborneVirus #StopTheSpread
#WearAMask #OpenWindowsWhenIndoorMixing
#Vaccines #VentilationIndoorSettings #MasksWork
#MasksWork #ventilationindoorsettings #vaccines #covidneverwentaway #openwindowswhenindoormixing #WearAMask #StopTheSpread #remembercovidisanairbornevirus
#RememberCovidIsAnAirborneVirus #StopTheSpread
#WearAMask #OpenWindowsWhenIndoorMixing
#Vaccines #VentilationIndoorSettings #MasksWork
A Safer Way of Living With Covid in #2023NewYear
#2023newyear #MasksWork #ventilationindoorsettings #vaccines #covidneverwentaway #openwindowswhenindoormixing #WearAMask #StopTheSpread #remembercovidisanairbornevirus
RT @pipp100@twitter.com
@LibDemPatrick@twitter.com @MarcusFitzsimon@twitter.com The Government have deliberately & consistently chosen to ignore that safety measures do protect the population. Knowingly risking lives & health of the nation. #COVIDIsAirborne #CovidNeverWentAway
#Vaccinations #Ventilation #Masking is the way to live with Covid more safely
#masking #ventilation #vaccinations #covidneverwentaway #COVIDisAirborne
RT @pipp100@twitter.com
@T_Brautigan@twitter.com @tigresseleanor@twitter.com Something not good is what is happening. Something that's won't quietly go away either just because it's not talked about. #Covid has become the Pandemic of Silence
#VenitaltionVaccinationMasking 😷💉
#venitaltionvaccinationmasking #covidneverwentaway #COVID