Diese Woche hat #3 Sars-Cov-2 aus der Schule mitgebracht.
Seid vorsichtig.
#fckcrn #covidnotover #corona #COVID19
#fckcrn #covidnotover #corona #COVID19
The Economist 23 May 2023
"Covid may not be the sole cause of this change.... But if covid were indeed responsible for the full increase, it would be tied for the world’s fourth-leading cause of death. At current rates, it would kill more people in the next eight years than in the past three."
10% of attendees at the recent #CDC conference have Covid....our denial and "moving on" from this is just STUPID and dangerous. I'm the only one who wears a mask ANYWHERE these day...don't care. Will continue.
Reported by WaPo - as of yesterday, count was 181.
#cdc #covidnotover #cdcconference
"Altogether the evidence base reinforces the need for continued emphasis on primary prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection (and prevention of reinfection) as the foundation of the public health response," Al-Aly and his colleagues concluded. "Woven together with the evidence amassed thus far on the scale and breadth of organ dysfunction in Long COVID, the findings in this report call for the urgent need to develop strategies to prevent and treat the post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection."
#COVID #LongCovid #covidnotover #ffs
My son in law is living and working here now .Made this as part of a lunch that was supposed to take place today.
Unfortunately he was exposed to Covid and is self isolating.
Ppl should read this WHO report from 30th Jan 2023 https://www.who.int/news/item/30-01-2023-statement-on-the-fourteenth-meeting-of-the-international-health-regulations-(2005)-emergency-committee-regarding-the-coronavirus-disease-(covid-19)-pandemic
#covid #masks4all #pandemicnotover #covidnotover
#covid #masks4all #pandemicnotover #covidnotover
3700 people died last week in the US from COVID. 3900 the week before. Tell me again how it's over? #CovidNotOver #covid
HOW has this become normalised/ignored in the UK?! #CovidNotOver (source: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/weekending13january2023)
RT @EberhardSchlie@twitter.com
Die vorsätzliche Durchseuchung wird ab Februar dann bundesweit stattfinden, wenn es nach Ihnen geht, @MarcoBuschmann@twitter.com . #CovidNotOver #NeoliberalismusToetet . https://twitter.com/marcobuschmann/status/1613486741683425281
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EberhardSchlie/status/1613510010268524545
#covidnotover #neoliberalismustoetet
XBB.1.5 is concerning. However BF.7 in China is extremely concerning causing white lung X-Rays we haven't seen since Delta.
Happy New Year, everyone around the corner of the world, no matter rich or poor, full or half full, happy or sad, fat or slim, be reasonable and don't forget to get vaccinated; put on the mask and recycle your pizza box.
#covidnotover Our COVID+ census dropped to single digits the week before the holiday. Last week it was 16. Today it's 24. Not over yet, folks, and we're boarding patients in our ED. That means that we don't have any beds for patients that are getting admitted from the ED, so they are now holding in beds there. That means there are less beds for folks needing emergency services. It's messy. #WearAMask And be smart about what you do. You don't want to have to be in the ED for ANY reason
#covidnotover Our COVID+ census dropped to single digits the week before the holiday. Last week it was 16. Today it's 24. Not over yet, folks, and we're boarding patients in our ED. That means that we don't have any beds for patients that are getting admitted from the ED, so they are now holding in beds there. That means there are less beds for folks needing emergency services. It's messy. #WearAMask And be smart about what you do. You don't want to have to be in the ED right now for any reason