“One of the most worrying long-term effects of infection is the potential to induce malignant neoplasms, which will be a major health concern over the coming decades.”
Decades is… unrealistically optimistic. More like years.
My uncle & my dad died of pancreatic cancer (one had common, other rare) both seemed outwardly fine until they weren’t & died within a year of diagnosis
People all think it will be decades…
@hfentonmudd @currentbias
Generally my intuition has been years ahead of proof, but the proof is clearly in the #CovidPapers of systematic damage
I’ve been ranting about #dementia #alzheimers for a bit, & altho my interactions w/my co-op neighbors is minimal, I’ve seen these same people for 15 yrs & something is very off; acting like #toddlers #teenagers
Reminds me of sitcom #BrainDead which oddly they removed it from Paramount after 4 months🤔 & its CBS show..
#covidpapers #dementia #alzheimers #toddlers #teenagers #braindead
yeah, it’s us the weirdos who READ THE #SCIENCESTUDIES
We’re the wacko disinformation victims, not the 2 people exchanging lung secretions on television & the millions walking around oblivious to the SCIENCE!
Yeah, I read the f&%ing science #CovidPapers which is why I #Novavax & #wearADamnMask
#sciencestudies #covidpapers #novavax #WearADamnMask
you are far braver than me🖤
Forever gratitude for #CovidTwitter b/c #CovidPapers has made #research into #Covid #SARS2 rather painless, but it’s an awful place filled with so much misinformation; thank you for dissenting🖤🖤
I saw a girl who got an #mRNA vaccine today in🚫😷but saw me & my spouse & then started holding the tiny alcohol swab they use to sterilize pre-💉to her nose seemingly as a protective mechanism?
When people find out will they be pissed?
#CovidTwitter #covidpapers #research #covid #SARS2 #mRNA
hearing something very similar from my building neighbor couple weeks ago as she stood🚫😷trying to explain her reasoning as I stood there in a😷holding a HEPA 1 inch from my face…made me realize how🔩we are as a society & felt sad
Reading it in an article on #CNN consumed by millions…well that just ..🤬🤬🤬!
Can’t explain things very well to begin w/ but the 100s of #CovidPapers I’ve read, seared into my brain
It’s like de-cultifying someone; takes extreme⏱️& effort I don’t have
this is truly a #phenomenal #resource
This section has 35 great links #threads #CovidPapers about #TCells #immuneSystem
Many I’ve seen before, but to have it organized in one place is #priceless #gold
#airborneAIDS is extremely controversial, but think it’s apt
Can understand the anxiety of not wanting to accept #reinfection or infection of #SARS2 is fatal but it’s sheer stupidity to ignore🐘
This is why nobody likes me, & you know what, I really don’t care🖤🖤
#phenomenal #resource #threads #covidpapers #tcells #immunesystem #priceless #Gold #airborneaids #reinfection #SARS2
This is JUST what I wanted for #Christmas 🎄🖤🖤
Haven’t really delved too deep in yet, but can tell this is my #nerd #nirvana #CovidPapers to immerse myself into as I listen to the constant background soundtrack loop of #nyc 🚨🚑🚒 playing outside for that
#CovidSummer #summerCold
#christmas #nerd #nirvana #covidpapers #nyc #covidsummer #summercold #novavax #WearADamnMask #flotravel
I want to bawl my eyes out, but not a crier. I’ve tried to explain the delayed damage & the hundreds of #science #CovidPapers I’ve read & all I get are patronizing “there there dear” “you poor paranoid freak” looks
No wonder the last holdouts have given up; they’ve been #gaslit
Just like I knew💯DJT was going to be indicted earlier this year is how sure I am🚫😷are🔩
#Novavax batch expires Oct 31? So probs around there. I’m lying my a** off to get a 4th before the booster tho🖤
#Science #covidpapers #gaslit #novavax
And as a reminder, #asymptomatic
This is one of the greatest #memes ever from :deadbirb: :twitterfire:
via Last Daze & Lindy Greer
A helpful tool to use as a reminder for anyone you care about when paragraphs & #CovidPapers are too much🖤
#asymptomatic #memes #covidpapers
And as a reminder, #asymptomatic
This is one of the greatest #memes ever from :deadbirb: :twitterfire:
via Last Daze & Lindy Greer
A helpful tool to use as a reminder for anyone you care about when paragraphs & #CovidPapers are too much🖤
#asymptomatic #memes #covidpapers
SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection and Severity of the Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis #CovidPapers
I’ve known since 1/2022 that there was zero difference in #sars2 severity pre-vaccine & post when my 2nd infection was identical to first
There’s a 15 month delay on proof b/c science is slow & by then it’s too late/nobody cares
#reinfection seem #mild these days b/c #viralPersistance constant exposure means your immune system is blasé
#covidpapers #SARS2 #reinfection #mild #viralpersistance
if people’s behavior IS truly changing, it’s been on our radar since January 2021 #CovidPapers
granted my reclusive behavior has reached peak heights, but have learned to trust my gut enough to know people are TRYING to infect me
#zombieBug in nature is controlled by #fungus so it’s not a stretch that a #virus will do the same
#brainDead series was supposed to be fiction, not reality
#covidpapers #zombiebug #fungus #virus #braindead #CovidIsNotOver
@xabitron1 @hfentonmudd
lastly I’m not upset about any of this (is there any point to be?) b/c was able to learn quite a bit about #sarscov2 that aren’t covered in #CovidPapers or anywhere really
Frankly I’m incredibly alarmed how much easier it is to catch this; particularly the difference between contagiousness from last Easter & now is science fiction unbelievable
What worked then is no longer relevant & not sure I’d have understood this w/out experiencing it #noCovid
#sarscov2 #covidpapers #noCovid
2 links
#CovidPapers on #Paxlovid from 11/2022 #cartilage
-Barron’s link on #Pfizer #CEO #interview
#pfizer is going to make like a bandit on #diabetes & #HBP #Rx alone, but I still wouldn’t buy that stock #bloodMoney #karma
If you really need #Paxlovid I get it & #antivirals are sometimes necessary, but if I have to live like a #hobbit for the next couple years to avoid taking💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊 #foreverAndEver by avoiding #sarscov2 #itIsWhatItIs
#covidpapers #Paxlovid #cartilage #pfizer #ceo #interview #diabetes #hbp #rx #bloodmoney #karma #Antivirals #hobbit #foreverandever #sarscov2 #itiswhatitis
This is what Hell looks & feels like
My cousin who comes from a family of Drs,dropped out of med school,who was super cautious in beginning,who I personally spoke with about #EndothelialDamage #heartAttacks #PASC etc had #HodgkinsLymphoma has no spleen & UNDERSTANDS ALL OF THIS..
He’s completely dropped precautions!
I am not crazy, there’s 100s of #CovidPapers to back me up & I refuse to be slave to #BigPharma #Rx as most of the population will soon be #wearADamnMask
#EndothelialDamage #heartattacks #PASC #hodgkinslymphoma #covidpapers #bigpharma #rx #WearADamnMask
#persistent #sarscov2 #CovidPapers
Hybrid persistent #immunity has been pretty much happening since at least July 2022 #reinfection
Dying at 45 or earlier is going to be the new normal #medieval
#persistent #sarscov2 #covidpapers #immunity #reinfection #medieval
@TACTNowinfo 22 links to #CovidPapers #telomere #ImmuneDysfunction
Haven’t seen the sun since 1989, especially w/out sunblock but I’m relatively ambivalent about #aging
Def more concerned about internal aging,which as a perk, affects the outside
It could be my imagination,but as a fine art artist, we naturally look at minutiae of details #wrinkles & I swear people are #prematureAging like Bowie The Hunger
White/grey hair is a visible sign of #telomereShortening #FYI
#covidpapers #telomere #ImmuneDysfunction #aging #wrinkles #prematureaging #telomereshortening #fyi
wish I had an answer b/c being formerly in sales for 20+ years, feel like I should have..
Think situation is similar to de-programming people in cults, which I’m definitely no expert in, but believe it takes a lot of time & concerted effort from what I’ve heard. Relentless articles & #CovidPapers ?
Adding to the difficulty, seen a couple articles recently in places like WSJ touting exercise is actually good for preventing or recovering from #sarscov2 🤦🏻♀️ #lies #LC
#covidpapers #sarscov2 #lies #lc
Tbh skipped reading this as the image led me to get it confused w/ a @thetyee article from awhile back w/ @fitterhappierAJ
Dr. Taylor’s comment made me look twice & altho I didn’t learn anything new per se, the #analysis & #presentation is worth the time to read…& to send to someone you know who believes everything is just fine #CovidPapers
#socialMurder #capitalism #plague #sarscov2 #immuneDysregulation #xbb #mutations #reinfection #wearARespirator
#analysis #presentation #covidpapers #SocialMurder #capitalism #plague #sarscov2 #ImmuneDysregulation #xbb #mutations #reinfection #weararespirator