Was für ein Drahtseilakt, als #pflegendeAngehörige #covidpositive den Schützling weiter gut zu versorgen und NICHT anzustecken.
Hilfe? Gibt's nicht. Vorher nicht, jetzt erst Recht nicht.
Danke für nichts. 😤
#pflegendeangehorige #covidpositive
Daughter1 and I just had our first positive covid tests, with symptoms, luckily hers are minor.
But it's her birthday week. :(
I'm guessing someone at work is #covidpositive, because I've been nowhere else. It's not surprising given the noises I've been hearing in our open-plan office. Reported in the UK app and to school, and I'll contact work tomorrow. *That'll* be fun.
@novid I will admit that I’m sure that 7 days is enough time to *officially* conclude that he avoided COVID altogether. But, given he and the #CovidPositive girlfriend had been breathing the same air every day before she tested positive, none the wiser, I’m sure he was exposed to a fairly significant amount of #ViralLoad.
The puzzle of how much different people shed virus/viral matter is so interesting, confusing, and annoying 😂
Toot toot I have covid...again
#COVID19 #CovidPositive #herewegoagain
#COVID19 #covidpositive #herewegoagain
Oh bloody hell! Day 13 of testing positive for Covid :blobcatnotlike:
This is bloody awful! :blobcatnotlike:
#Covid #Covidpositive #Covid19
#COVID #covidpositive #COVID19
(2/2) I'm used to my family being crazy and irrational, paranoid and refusing to self-educate, but my partner's family? I love them.
I have always said I don't quite trust the brother in-law. My partner and her sister have always said how great a guy he is, but something about him just doesn't feel right to me. He doesn't feel safe.
I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt because I have had trauma and I have trust issues because of it, but I feel once you have been around toxic people you can sniff them out.
Anyway, thanks for reading if you did! I don't know where I'm going with this lol Think I'm just frustrated. I'm all for people believing what they want, but when it affect someone else's health then no. I'm pretty sure that means they're a selfish arsehole.
(1/2) This christmas, part of my partner's family came in from interstate to visit. They're currently staying at my in-laws.
The husband, my partner's brother in-law, does not believe in covid. I haven't quite confirmed if it's the same for my sister in-law and their kids though. They are also all anti-vaxxers.
The kids start getting sick just before christmas and I'm thinking to myself "Might be covid... why aren't they testing for it?"
A couple of days later, my other sister in-law (does believe in covid and is vaxxed) tested positive for covid. Then my father in-law, in his 70's, tested positive for covid.
Still.... The interstate fam won't acknowledge covid. They keep saying it's because they're sleep deprived.
The brother in-law even went so far as air quoting covid when he was talking about "if we believe in it."
Et bim.
La 2ème petite barre sur le test n'est presque plus visible... mais tant qu'on l'aperçoit, c'est un ticket perdant #covidpositive.
Pfff. Y a bien plus grave dans la vie, mais j'enchaîne les maladies depuis début décembre... Ras le pompon de l'isolement et de la bouffe au goût de savon^^
Appreciating my vaccinations today, knowing I could be feeling so much worse. #donthesitate #vaccinate #covidpositive
#donthesitate #vaccinate #covidpositive
Okay, so my #COVIDpositive plans:
Ran another test tonight...
Whilst 2020 was a bad year it did have many positives @jaz More time with kids, less driving around the region, learning new skills, daily art, geeking, walking, losing weight, telly and chill, working from home, appreciating the little things, looking after myself, making memories, 19 year wedding anniversary, eating better, saving money, helping others, more games nights with friends (but virtually), new radio show, family all healthy #covidpositive
In 2020 the pandemic made me notice how many of my family I was not doing a good job keeping in regular touch with, and now we have weekly and monthly calls with family I have neglected for far too long. Thanks to COVID I'm reconnected with family all over the world.
Now that's a #covidpositive
😷 2020 will be one of those years that 20 years from now we will all remember where we were. It has been a supremely stupid year. The word "bubble" will never be the same.
👨👩👦 But, somewhere in the muck and mire of the stupidity, there were times of joy, love, community.
🤔 So, take a look back and find at least one positive thing you can snatch from the past year, and tell the Fediverse about it using the hashtag #covidpositive
Mine will follow to get things started.
Blwyddyn newydd dda pawb!
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#attack #fifafans #fifacards #fifapoints #fifa21game #lionelmessi #cyberattack #websecurity #fifaworldcup #fifagamescams #cybersecurity #covidpositive #securitybreach #videogamelaunch #vulnerabilities #in #cristianoronaldo #world