#IceMan on an #Iceberg near #ilulissat on the #ilulissatIceFjord
Having fun with an outreach project while in #CovidQuarantine in #Greenland
Here is the story of ice man and his friend #Batgirl
#FieldWorkPhoto #FieldPhotoFriday #FridayFieldPhoto
Full res version on #Flickr
#flickr #FridayFieldPhoto #FieldPhotoFriday #fieldworkphoto #batgirl #Greenland #covidquarantine #ilulissaticefjord #ilulissat #iceberg #iceman
Day 3 of #COVIDQuarantine. Sleep schedule is way off. Chest hurts from coughing. Work is piling up but my wonderful teammates are picking up my slack as I recover. I miss my husband and son, and the trip I was to take today to visit Mom. Thank God for the #Vaccine & #boosters (I’ve had all of them); otherwise I can’t imagine the hell I’d be going through.
#covidquarantine #Vaccine #boosters