I usually recover from illnesses within a day of symptom onset, with intense symptoms for a few hours and then I'm usually golden by the next morning. Apparently my immune system uses Blitzkrieg tactics rather than getting stuck in the trenches.
COVID followed a similar pattern, with intense symptoms (moderate fever, chills and hot flashes, mild confusion/disorientation, insomnia, mild pneumonia, constant coughing) for the first 48 hours. Now only the damned cough remains.
Last night's fire that was visible from our bedroom (house fire? Not sure yet) caused us to break out the air purifier. Out of laziness we left it on all night.
Woke up this morning with less tight lungs.
Not sure how to process this info yet. We live in an unairconditioned old house, and rely on open windows and a whole house fan to capture the marine cooling overnight.
Will need to do some testing. This may be a difficult balance - my need for easy breathing against my need to a livable house in the summer.
#LongCovid #covid #covidlungscarring #covidrecovery
I learn so much. I had to slow down bc long covid -- usually I have to rest a long time after an hour of yardwork. It's easier for me to wander around with hand tools and edit where necessary. I take an antihistamine, put on a mask, work clothes, boots, gloves, and thin out low branches over the sidewalk and walking areas. Today I worked an hour and a half (ok, I took a break to watch a butterfly and small wasps inspect white lacy umbels and baby blue eyes).
#longcovid #garden #covidrecovery
The latest payment of Italy's COVID-19 recovery funds has been temporarily put on hold, as Brussels and Rome agree on a one-month extension to allow gathering evidence before releasing preliminary endorsement.
According to the office of PM Meloni, there are three unresolved issues "subject to further study": ports concessions; district heating networks; and integrated urban plans to transform vulnerable territories into sustainable cities.
Personal best on the Peloton today. 1 month after Covid💪 #Peloton #FitnessGoals #CovidRecovery #covid
#covid #covidrecovery #fitnessgoals #peloton
Today, we're raising awareness about long COVID and the ongoing impact it can have on individuals. Let's work together to support those affected. #LongCOVIDAwarenessDay #COVIDrecovery #Resilience https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-03-16&topic=longcovidawarenessday
#resilience #covidrecovery #longcovidawarenessday
First full week back running after COVID. Definitely a lot slower for the same HR about 2-3minutes a mile if I'm honest. This should come back as my body fully recovers.
A 23mile week, I'll take that. I have a 20miler in 2 weeks which I'll do but probably not at the pace I was at pre COVID.
#running #runningaftercovid #covidrecovery
First run back post COVID, no lung, sinus or breathing issues during infection.
HR was definitely elevated compared to pre COVID but not as bad as expected, if is had lung issues etc during infection I wouldn't be running for another 7days.
Happy that I'm back out running even if it was a short one compared to where I was at 👌🏻
#covidrecovery #running #covid
The importance of being a better patient: my personal experience with COVID-19
Don't make the same mistake I did: speaking from personal experience, I didn't handle COVID-19 the way I should have. I thought I could just "tough it out" on my own, without reaching out for help from my primary care physician.
Alen Voskanian is a palliative care physician.
Link in bio or visit kevinmd.com/podcast
#covidawareness #healthcareaccess #patientadvocate #covidrecovery
#covidawareness #healthcareaccess #patientadvocate #covidrecovery
Stupid walk for our stupid mental health today was also a stupid walk for my stupid frozen shoulder to the physio's (awkward body +side sleeper = ripped tendon)
Got back and got a #santesdwynwen pressie of @mothy.and.the.squid yarn, woo!
#GrumpyWalks #CovidRecovery
#santesdwynwen #grumpywalks #covidrecovery
Could someone tell me why states and cities that got #COVIDrecovery funds were allowed to use it to build parking garages instead of purifying the air in schools?
I'm in a super sarcastic and energetic mid today. O isn't impressed
#GrumpyWalks #CovidRecovery #FoggyWalks #surrey
#grumpywalks #covidrecovery #foggywalks #surrey
Energy and stamina are returning. But this late morning I'm experiencing some serious brain fog.
Post Covid face flushness. Is anyone else experiencing this or have you experienced this?
Every day my cheeks and or ears get flush and red. Tonight my fucking face feels like it's burning from the inside out. I want to go stick my head in a snowbank. But we have no snow.
What the Fuck is wrong with me?
Neues aus dem #Newsletter von #InvestigateEurope
#LNG fever: a report from the heartlands of the US extraction boom
€60bn earmarked for Europe’s #Covidrecovery could go to #fossilfuelprojects
#newsletter #investigateeurope #lng #covidrecovery #FossilFuelProjects
O is far too chipper today. I wore my new cowl, tried to take a better photo of it and this grinning man appeared in the background...
#GrumpyWalks #CovidRecovery
3 days worth of walk faces, you get a smiley one for today!
I hope this post-COVID brain fog lifts soon. I sound like an idiot on zoom calls #CovidRecovery
I hope this post-COVID brain fog lifts soon. I sound like an idiot on zoom calls #CovidRecovery