#ActionAlert from #COVIDSafeMaryland: Demand #Maryland #KeepMasksinHealthcare!
#COVID remains a top killer of USians annually. Millions, including over one in 20 in Maryland, are currently experiencing the disabling condition of #longCOVID. Yet all of our state’s hospital systems have voluntarily dismantled their requirements for universal masking, putting staff and patients alike at risk.
Send an email to Gov Wes Moore and your state Senator & Delegate: Demand that #MD #KeepMasksinHealthcare!
#activism #dmv #maskup #covid19isnotover #publichealth #WearAMask
#actionalert #covidsafemaryland #maryland #keepmasksinhealthcare #covid #longcovid #md #activism #dmv #maskup #covid19isnotover #publichealth #wearamask