A WaPost editorial today referred to long covid as, "The pandemic after the pandemic."
Eric Topol, MD says not enough is being done to help long haulers. He answers many questions about long covid, here👇
In a new study, researchers found patients post-Covid with a history of asthma had significantly ⬆️ risk for cough, bronchospasm, shortness of breath, and wheezing up to 6 mos post diagnosis vs those w/o asthma.( Included 31K patients with Covid.)
#covidV2 #asthma -#LongCovid
Monoclonals have left the station, but convalescent plasma is the “Little Engine That Could”
Convalescent plasma has been shown to be ”highly effective” at ⬇️ hosp/death in #covidV2 positive pts. RCT data show a “clear survival benefit” in immunocompromised individuals. https://bit.ly/3Y8TB7o
This weird non-covid virus from this week seems to have set off a relapse into relentless #fatigue, excruciating joint pains and #pots - all the stuff that had improved (again) after #covidV2 letting me hope there is a world without #longcovid
Alas here we are, yet no more research has happened in the meantime, no more understanding for long covid - it does feel pretty hopeless and grim
#fatigue #pots #covidv2 #LongCovid
This weird non-covid virus from this week seems to have set off a relapse into relentless #fatigue and #pots - all the stuff that had improved (again) after #covidV2 letting me hope there is a world without #longcovid
Alas here we are, yet no more research has happened in the meantime, no more understanding for long covid - it does feel pretty hopeless and grim
#fatigue #pots #covidv2 #LongCovid