RedGranola · @redgranola
5 followers · 31 posts · Server

A toot for and

I have . And several other things, but ME is the worst

I have been pretty unwell lately

And I'm thinking back to right after I had my last how much noticeably better I felt. Not unsick, but the best I've been in years. I had the around the same time, I think 2 weeks apart

This obviously in contrast to most people's reactions to the vaccine. IDK what it means

Just thinking, I'd get another shot right now if they'd let me

#fluvaccine #covidvaccinebooster #mecfs #NEISvoid #pwme

Last updated 2 years ago

Jen Mc 🏳️‍🌈🇦🇺 · @JenMc
278 followers · 762 posts · Server

I’m beyond exhausted. I slept until almost 11am, psych appointment by phone, got taken to the post office to bank a cheque (the joys of regional living when there’s no branch in town), came home and potted the latest succulent arrivals (with assistance).

It took me at least half an hour to put together my last post (the succulent one), with image collages, image descriptions and the post text, with rest breaks as I went because it hurts to even hold the phone and swipe to text right now. The weak, painful arms and hands is a relatively new thing for me and along with the brain fog and complete and utter exhaustion it’s one of my top struggles at the moment. It’s hard to know what’s and what’s and these last two days what’s caused by the I had on Wednesday afternoon.

#fibro #LongCovid #covidvaccinebooster

Last updated 2 years ago

Jen McD 🏳️‍🌈🇦🇺 · @JMcD
31 followers · 11 posts · Server

I got my second this afternoon. Doing fairly well so far but my arm pain is starting to increase in my arm and I’m getting this awesome burning in the toes of one foot (which not unaccustomed to) and the tires on the other foot feel broken intermittently. I’m hoping that’s the worst of it as, thanks to my , I’m used to foot pain.

#covidvaccinebooster #crps

Last updated 2 years ago