This is for my comedian friends who still repeat the Big Pharma lie that “Nobody Ever Said The Vaxx Would Stop The Transmission Of Covid Virus”
Here is EVERYONE saying it:
#C19 #COVID19 #covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury #medicaltyranny
2/2) He's done a lot of work trying to expose the dangers of this #vaccine. What the real studies show. And this is coming from a guy who was personally injured by it...
Oftentimes, that is what happens. Like Robert Malone, who holds nine patents on the creation of mRNA vaccine technology.
That guy got injured by the vaccine and then started doing a deep dive into what is really going on. Guys like Peter McCullough."
#vaccine #C19 #COVID19 #covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury #medicaltyranny
Here's how Dr. John Campbell reacted to this news:
“If regulators around the world don't take notice of the information I'm about to give via this paper, then they are at best, in my view, negligent.”
#covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury
“According to current knowledge, the cardiac muscle can’t regenerate, or only to a very limited degree at best. So it’s possible that repeated booster vaccinations every year could cause moderate damage to the heart muscle cells.”
#covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury
🚨 Peer-Reviewed Study Finds 1 in 35 People Had Signs of Heart Damage After Receiving the Moderna Booster Shot.
Think about that: a 1 in 35 risk of heart damage after 3 shots — for something as mild as the flu for most people. This is devastating.
#covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury
@ BijlDick said the media has allowed these agencies to make false claims about vaccine safety without interrogation.
“The rise of alternative media is strongly related to the lies being told by the legacy media, which just repeats government narratives and industry marketing."
#COVID19 #covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury
It’s hypocritical for drug agencies to say SAEs from covid vaccines are rare, when they haven't determined the SAE rate themselves.
“To be honest, I’m not that surprised ...Once these agencies approve a drug there's no incentive for them to monitor harms.”
~ @ JosephFraiman
#COVID19 #covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury
The best evidence we have so far is the Fraiman analysis.
Serious adverse events (SAEs) were elevated in the vaccine arm by an alarming rate – 1 additional SAE for every 556 people vaccinated with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine.
#COVID19 #covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury
Serious adverse events from Pfizer's mRNA vaccine are not "rare."
Despite repeatedly claiming that serious harms of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine are RARE, an investigation found no drug regulator could quantify the rate.
#COVID19 #covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury
Why Is Cancer On the Rise?
A plausible explanation on how and why repeated doses of C•19 shots can lead to cancer, myocarditis, bacterial infections, and negative efficacy.
Worth the time it takes to watch.
#COVID19 #covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury
Please, if you’re reading this share @ P_McCulloughMD’s warning. It could save someone’s life if they’re suffering from heart issues. ❤️🙏🏼
#C19 #covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury
Professional Basketball player, Oscar Cabrera, died of heart attack while undergoing a stress test at a health center after being diagnosed with myocarditis.
He was only 28 years old.
In an Instagram post, Cabrera blamed the vaccine mandates required for international travel.
#C19 #covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury
“My Thesis is it’s the Vaccine” 📈 Former Blackrock Fund Manager leaves Sky News Panel speechless 🔥 Ed Dowd
Former BlackRock Exec, Ed Dowd, says younger people began dying at a higher rate than older people in 2021, according to excess mortality data and the data shows the trend seems to be continuing.
Why is this not front page news in the US?
#COVID19 #covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury
"We now know that spike protein, although people want to ignore & deny it, actually activates many genetic pathways, which lead to cancer, & it's a form of cancer called 'turbo cancers.'" @ drpaulmarik1
#covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury #turbocancers
'This bombshell real-world evidence, was known back in early 2021 by the FDA and Pfizer/BioNTech, just before the big push to get pregnant women vaccinated- and it showed significant safety risks to the foetus due to indirect (transplacental) exposure of the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine, with spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) being one of the known outcomes.'
#covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury
'41 (20%) of the 215 lactation cases reported adverse events in infants indirectly exposed to the vaccine via the transmammary route (through breast milk) extensive list of adverse events were reported in breast feeding infants, ranging from facial paralysis, lymphadenopathy and blurred vision.'
It covers the time from drug development through to 28 February, 2021 and it contains disturbing data.
#covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury
The BBC is now covering deaths and injuries from the vaccine. @ dailyrealtimenews
#COVID19 #covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury
Some have argued that these results aren’t troubling because those at greater environmental risk took more COVID-19 shots, but show me a vaccine for any other disease where rates of disease increase with doses of vaccine received.
#COVID19 #covidvaccine #covidvaccineinjury