#China ’s imports from the US have fallen for 10 of the past 12-months as the world’s 2nd -largest economy slows due to a housing crisis, #CovidZero #lockdowns last year and a weak rebound this year, chart @economics https://tinyurl.com/3rusves5
And as for your point on #COVID misinformation: All forms of traditional media as well as the Internet has been used by Covid Truthers to spread their disinformation; far better to attack the messengers directly with stating the facts than going after one medium being misused.
I support strongly the #COVIDZero concept, within the context of a broader offensive against social inequality as a whole and towards a comprehensive approach to Covid prevention and treatment.
Nota personal; el camí cap a la benignitat NO existeix; com a molt transitarem pel camí de la protecció, o de la refractivitat, de la població hoste.
7. #CovidZero es demostra com una tàctica, que no va ser emprada bé en la majoria dels casos; com a estratègia MAI tingué futur. Permetia comprar un temps, congelava l’acció.
Xina demostra que cap règim, per més totalitari que sigui, pot fer front a una proteïna que embolcalla un missatge viral.
I'm sorry but I'm sick of the politics, sick of the "You're a dem and/or liberal if you wear a mask" and a "right-wing extremeist if you don't wear a mask" but I'm sick of all these COVID posts, I'm sick of hearing it's not over. I've done my part, I've done what I could, I'm now moving on with my life and if I get COV again, I get it again. I don't care. I'm so fed up with all of this BS. I'm sorry, but enough is enough! #longcovid #covidzero
Bonnie Henry is the only true menace to Public Health in #bcpoli and everyone sees it. These @bcndp #partisan political parrots accuse us of being what they clearly embody, covid losers. #Defeatists #covidzero #bcpoli #teamaccess #Apathy #morallybankrupt
#BCpoli #partisan #defeatists #covidzero #teamaccess #apathy #morallybankrupt
RT @RonaldNHughes
@OhCasavant @GlobalBC @keithbaldrey @KasariGovender Hard to believe that New Zealanders tolerated the “public health menace” #COVIDzero for so long. Had they been blessed with the likes of Baldrey and other such fine “journalists,” they might have reduced their surplus population as efficiently as BC has. https://twitter.com/RonaldNHughes/status/1602138538564546562?s=20&t=OhIn3X6TJhEeKtIXEHCqUA
“Despite widespread reports that funeral homes and crematoriums are struggling to cope with a surge in demand, #China’s official death numbers have not spiked, with no new fatalities reported for 21 December and only seven deaths reported since the government announced on 8 December that zero-Covid restrictions would be removed.”
#Covid #Covid19 #Coronavirus #Lockdown #中國 #中国 #中華人民共和國 #中华人民共和国 #CovidZero #ZeroCovid
#china #covid #COVID19 #Coronavirus #lockdown #中國 #中国 #中華人民共和國 #中华人民共和国 #covidzero #zerocovid
#China has a huge #population imbalance problem: too many elderly people without enough young people to keep the economy going to support the elderly. It's also got a huge #GenderImbalance making things worse.
Considering this, the recent change in their #COVID policy probably isn't actually about #XiJinping giving up on #CovidZero. It's about him using COVID as an opportunity to cull old people from the population. It's #eugenics.
#china #population #genderimbalance #covid #xijinping #covidzero #eugenics
Naw that's it I came here for #cooking and #food and #startrek posts and to keep on top of what #COVID is doing but all I see on #zeroesca and #zeroCOVID / #COVIDZero is that the same f%^king BS has migrated from the avian droppings container, and my fellow PWDs are falling for it, hook, line and sinker. DO NOT FALL FOR IT I CAN SEE WHAT THEY'RE DOING. My zeroes peeps, please, please, be wary!
As the bad state actors TARGET THE DISABLED WITH DISINFORMATION and fear-mongering when we are already anxious enough hello this is not okay! In what universe is this kind of state-sanctioned #ableism okay???
The worst part about it is, zeroes.ca and zero COVID does have legit information - but when it's buried in the midst of what is obvious disinformation...it's f#$%ing #Twitter all over again.
(I saw a pro-ivermectin post! A f@#$king PRO-IVERMECTIN post ffs FFS!!! 😡💢 )
Ugh. Everything sucks here.
#cooking #food #startrek #covid #zeroesca #zerocovid #covidzero #ableism #twitter
#China ’s broad budget #deficit hit a record so far this year, showing how damaging the now abandoned #CovidZero policy and the ongoing #housing slump have been to the economy, chart @YahooFinance https://cutt.ly/R0MI22J
#China #deficit #covidzero #housing
Un bon article que signaria fil per randa. Xina té molts problemes ara que relaxa la política de #CoVIDZero que havia mantingut de forma fèrria. Una immunitat natural per infecció de #SARSCoV2 molt baixa; uns vaccins administrats majoritàriament inactivats i poc immunogènics (respecte mRNA); una població vella, per sobre dels 70 anys, paradoxalment mal i poc vaccinada. I ara, una erosió clara de la confiança en el govern totalitari però no totipotent. Mala peça al teler. https://theconversation.com/china-could-face-a-catastrophic-covid-surge-as-it-lifts-restrictions-heres-how-it-might-play-out-195525
"The Chinese president is “unwilling to take a better vaccine from the West, and is instead relying on a vaccine in China that’s just not nearly as effective against Omicron”, the US Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines said."
Vaccine nationalism at its ugliest.
#china #chinaprotests #covid #COVID19 #lockdown #covidzero #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国
Xina té un problema de molt difícil solució, i entra amb aquest problema en els pitjors mesos de l'any, i sense una estratègia clara; l'única estratègia que aplicava #covidzero era útil per preparar-ne altres, i ha comprat un temps que s'ha malbaratat perquè ara mateix continuar-la aplicant ja no és eficient i no sembla tenir l'adherència de la població. #SARSCoV2 #CoVID19
@DavidM_yeg @chrisale Well said. This started with the Apple factory. Do I agree with how China has tried #CovidZero? Absolutely not.
This is a labour movement at its inception and at its core. God forbid the western world acknowledges that if anyone realized how much workers are exploited here too (recognizing not to the same extent).
Mao più senza #satira #vignette #humor #politica #pepitostrozzapreti #sifaperridere #meme #procreate #satyr #cartoon #cina #xijinping #pcc #covid #wuhan #covidzero #pechino
#satira #vignette #humor #politica #pepitostrozzapreti #sifaperridere #meme #procreate #satyr #cartoon #cina #xijinping #pcc #covid #wuhan #covidzero #pechino
Reflecting on the current turmoil in #Guangzhou and the rest of #China, and also remembering her peaceful foundations -- as exemplified here in the otherworldly timelessness and tranquility of the Hualin Temple of 500 Gods. Built and rebuilt over the last 1,500 years, it marks Bodhidharma's arrival from India and with him the seeds of #Zen #Buddhism. I saw it when I accidentally visited for a day.
#COVID #covidzero #中國 #中華人民共和國 #ChinaProtests #protests #peace #history @histodons #photography
#guangzhou #China #zen #buddhism #covid #covidzero #中國 #中華人民共和國 #chinaprotests #protests #peace #history #photography
Workers in #Shanghai, #China, taking away road sign for Wulumuqi Road (Central), where protests took place against the #CommunistParty's #CovidZero #Lockdown policy.
Wulumuqi is Chinese for #Urumqi, where people had died in a fire where it is thought people were prevented from escaping due to lockdown.
Image via @shanghaiobserved@instagram.com.
#shanghai #china #communistparty #covidzero #lockdown #urumqi #ccp #cpc #covid #COVID19 #中國 #中華人民共和國 #中国 #中华人民共和国 #烏魯木齊 #乌鲁木齐 #新疆 #上海
There is no #durable #immunity to #coronaviruses period especially when it #mutates #variants super quickly
For a well-respected #medicalSchool to do this is #appalling #reprehensible & it’s an outright #lie to say defenses have gotten stronger when NONE OF THE #MABs work anymore #ItsNotACold #CovidZero #Reinfection #IWantMyNovavax #WearADamnGoodMask #ventilate #AirFiltration #kitchenSink #asymptomatic
#durable #immunity #coronaviruses #mutates #variants #medicalschool #appalling #reprehensible #lie #mabs #itsnotacold #covidzero #reinfection #iwantmynovavax #wearadamngoodmask #Ventilate #AirFiltration #kitchensink #asymptomatic
It's been reported there are instances of #China's state media not showing close up shots of maskless spectators inside stadia for #WorldCup due to people being disgruntled with the #CommunistParty's #CovidZero policy.
It is, inter alia, one of the reasons for the ongoing protests.
Video via @DreyerChina@twitter.com.
#china #worldcup #communistparty #covidzero #covid #COVID19 #lockdown #ccp #cpc #中华人民共和国 #中国 #中華人民共和國 #中國 #世界杯
@lastboyonearth A number of instances cover reports on the protests using these hashtags #ChinaProtests #COVIDZero #China #Shanghai #Protests
#chinaprotests #covidzero #china #shanghai #protests