“… exposing patients unnecessarily to infections that are preventable by masking seems directly contrary to the principles of patient safety. For all of these reasons, we advocate remaining masked during patient interactions.”
Den Eistee mit Wassermelone-Geschmack nehme ich nur als etwas anderes als Wasser wahr, weil er im Hals brennt.
Und einen Hauch süß merke ich.
Der Hobby-Wissenschaftler in mir findet das enorm spannend. 🤔
#Geschmacksverlust #covisIsNotOver
“Brits urged to wear face masks again as new Arcturus Covid strain spreads across UK”
UK’s The Daily Mirror is by no means a reliable source of serious information, but this time, they quote Stephen Griffin, co-chair of Independent SAGE, saying, “people should go back to regularly testing as well as wearing masks.”
Reason is the continuing rise of variant XBB.1.16 that, according to another article (2nd link), “has seemingly brought on unique symptoms not previously seen in Covid strains.” Five British people have died from this variant in India.
#COVID #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #XBB116 #COVISIsNotOver #WearAMask
#covid #covid19 #SarsCoV2 #xbb116 #covisIsNotOver #WearAMask
@DenisCOVIDinfoguy Looks like people are not testing or reporting results....hard to believe that numbers are going down and hospital numbers are going up.
The costly lesson from COVID: why elimination should be the default global strategy for future pandemics. #covid #CovisIsNotOver
Dieser Artikel zeigt sehr deutlich warum die Politik das Interesse an #Corona verliert: 62% der 4033 Coronatoten in Thüringen waren älter als 80 Jahre. Der Tod dieser Menschen rechtfertigt nicht #Maskenpflicht oder andere Massnahmen sondern entlastet die Rentenkassen. Viele der Verstorbeben waren auch krank und fallenals Konsumenten ohnehin aus. #covisIsNotOver https://www.thueringer-allgemeine.de/leben/gesundheit-medizin/covid-19-war-2021-in-thueringen-haeufigste-todesursache-id237402083.html
#corona #Maskenpflicht #covisIsNotOver
I didn't realise it, but yesterday (still today in some timezones) was my 1 year anniversary of learning I had COVID.
One fucking year.
The bitter irony of me thinking “shit I have COVID and I feel awful, in a few weeks when I'm better I'm gonna make a short film about this”.
I never got better.
#LongCovid #neisvoid #covisIsNotOver
Leider keine Geschichte aus dem #Paulanergarten: Eine Arbeitskollegin hat sich höchstwahrscheinlich auf den betriebsinternen „Gesundheitstagen“ mit #COVID19 infiziert und ist mit schweren Erkältungssymptomen arbeitsunfähig. Auf dieser Veranstaltung gab es Infos zu verschiedenen Themen aus dem Bereich Gesundheit (Blutzuckermessung, Infostand einer Krankenkasse etc.). #Masken waren optional, wurden aber nur sehr sporadisch getragen…
#Paulanergarten #COVID19 #masken #covisIsNotOver #MaskUp
Usually I try to keep it zipped about the dangers of COVID at school. I’m one of 4 staff wearing a mask. But misinformation popped up in an IEP and I couldn’t let it fly. Trying to go along to get along is getting untenable. This is the real stress of the pandemic. Thanks no thanks CDC.
I can't wait for Dr David Berger and Henry Madison to arrive in mastodon 🤞
If anyone has seen them here let me know
#covisisnotover #VaccinesPLUS
Leadership in action - Monique Ryan ❤️
Retweeted by Dr David Berger
Who I hope will arrive in mastodon too 🤞
If anyone has seen him here let me know
#covisisnotover #VaccinesPLUS
I can't wait for Dr David Berger and Henry Madison to arrive in mastodon 🤞
If anyone has seen them here let me know
#covisisnotover #VaccinesPLUS
glad my housemate picked me up these #quilton 3 Ply Extra Thick tissues before heading out of the house as I quarantine myself for 7 days. I know there's no more isolation rules in Victoria, but #covisIsNotOver ! might help me clean up if I spill my morning #moccona too 🤣
#quilton #covisIsNotOver #moccona
die Magensäure, die ständig trotz zig Magenschutztabletten wieder hoch , schmeckt bäh!!🤢