"If Washington, London, Paris, and Berlin had not been spooked by Russian propaganda, then the Ukrainians might have expelled the Russians earlier, and the war might be over.
Death, horror and terror have been the result every time outsiders hesitated to aid Ukraine...
👀 Resistance doesn’t provoke Putin; weakness does."👀
#Russia #Ukraine #War
#Putin #Propaganda #Politics #Cowardice #News #WorldNews
#russia #ukraine #war #RussiaUkraineWar #putin #propaganda #politics #cowardice #News #worldnews
"Between 2014 and 2022, the United States and European nations, fearing they might provoke Russia attack, limited or banned weapons sales to Ukraine. This too proved to be a terrible, consequential mistake:
Had the Russians actually been afraid of the Ukrainian army, they might never have launched the full-scale invasion at all."
#Russia #Ukraine #War
#Putin #Propaganda #Politics #Cowardice #News
#russia #ukraine #war #RussiaUkraineWar #putin #propaganda #politics #cowardice #News
"The Russians do this for a reason: Fear of escalation is designed to create self-deterrence—and it works. In 2014, Western leaders, fearing escalation, advised Ukraine not to fight back when Russia invaded Crimea. This advice... convinced the Russians to continue their invasion of eastern Ukraine. They stopped only when the Ukrainians fought back."
#Russia #Ukraine #War
#Putin #Propaganda #Politics #Cowardice #News
#russia #ukraine #war #RussiaUkraineWar #putin #propaganda #politics #cowardice #News
"Musk is not alone: Many people in Washington, and in Berlin, Brussels, and other European capitals, including people who support Ukrainian sovereignty and who want Ukraine to win the war, have also been cowed by conversations with Russian ambassadors, by threats issued by Russian leaders, or by the pictures of nuclear explosions shown on Russian state television."
#Russia #Ukraine #War
#Putin #Propaganda #Politics #Cowardice #News
#russia #ukraine #war #RussiaUkraineWar #putin #propaganda #politics #cowardice #News
A quotation from Mencken, H. L.:
Conscience makes cowards of us all. Politeness is even worse. It makes actors of us.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #conscience #cowardice #fear #insincerity #politeness #shame
#quote #quotes #quotation #conscience #cowardice #fear #insincerity #politeness #shame
A quotation from Richter, Jean-Paul:
A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #anxiety #bravery #courage #cowardice #danger #fear #timidity
#quote #quotes #quotation #anxiety #bravery #Courage #cowardice #danger #fear #timidity
Heroic librarians accepting personal loss to stand against “egregious,” cowardly legislators. The rarity of those willing to stand against fascist idealisms.
#stitchedinkmedia #politics #cowardice #librarians #bravery #standingup #pseudo #fascists #environment #books #writingcommunity https://www.huffpost.com/entry/librarian-fired-wyoming-books_n_64da5ab9e4b08e55c4cd8325
#stitchedinkmedia #politics #cowardice #librarians #bravery #standingup #pseudo #fascists #environment #books #writingcommunity
There are more examples of violent, racist extremism from MAGA Republicans in the story. I won't repeat them here.
It seems as if there are no GOP "leaders" left with the guts to stand up to domestic terrorism.
Why? Because domestic terrorists form the Republicans' base.
Trump supporters post names and addresses of Georgia grand jurors online
#GOP #cowardice #deaththreats #Indictment4 #Georgia #threats #GrandJury #democracy #politics #usnews #history
#history #usnews #politics #democracy #grandjury #threats #georgia #indictment4 #deaththreats #cowardice #gop
It is because of #laziness and #cowardice that it is so easy for others to usurp the role of guardians https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Immanuel_Kant#What_is_Enlightenment?_(1784)
"#Faulheit und #Feigheit sind die Ursachen, warum ein so groĂźer Teil der Menschen gerne zeitlebens unmĂĽndig bleiben; und warum es anderen so leicht wird, sich zu deren VormĂĽndern aufzuwerfen." https://de.wikiquote.org/wiki/Immanuel_Kant#Beantwortung_der_Frage:_Was_ist_Aufkl%C3%A4rung?_(1784)
#laziness #cowardice #faulheit #feigheit #immanuelkant #kant
"He beat me like a drum and I acknowledged it. We've found something in common: I've come to like him, and he likes him..."
Imagine being as pathetic and useless a cowardly little worm as Lindsey Graham is.
Republicans fear this “man.” To call them disgraceful would be a compliment.
#Republicans #GOP #DonaldTrump #cowards #cowardice
#cowardice #cowards #DonaldTrump #gop #republicans
@elr @neurovagrant @Seirdy also that #Wikispaining #TechBro chose #cowardice over answering the pressing questions.
#cowardice #techbro #wikispaining
ICYMI: Hey #jasonaldean ....here's what you get in a small town, racist dude.
Per @tristansnell : They did try it in a small town.....And 376 officers waited 74 minutes to confront 1 guy with an AR-15.
@repswalwell response to Tristin is all of us: "DAMN"
#RepSwallwell #TristinSnell #smalltown #officers #AR15 #guns #Uvalde #cowardice
#jasonaldean #repswallwell #tristinsnell #smalltown #officers #ar15 #guns #uvalde #cowardice
The SCOTUS is illegitimate. 3 justices have wantonly violated federal corruption laws in the past 2 decades. All of them are right wingers. All it sparks is talk of court reform. Why not prosecute the motherf*ckers? You don't need a 2/3ds vote from a rigged Senate to remove these crooks from the bench. You simply need a DOJ that is willing to prosecute. We get locked up for less. #FuckTheSCOTUS #Cowardice
I’m feeling torn…
Earlier this month, when Target gave in to the conservative terrorists and began pulling or hiding the Pride merchandise displays in certain stores, I decided to stop shopping there.
However, I still get my prescriptions at the CVS located inside my nearby Target. When I went there on Friday to pick up a med, lo and behold, their Pride merch display was up and front as I entered the store.
So I have to think about my boycott...
#terrorism #cowardice #target #pride
I’m feeling torn…
Earlier this month, when Target gave in to the conservative terrorists and began pulling or hiding the Pride merchandise displays in certain stores, I decided to stop shopping there.
However, I still get my prescriptions at the CVS located inside my nearby Target. When I went there on Friday to pick up a med, lo and behold, their Pride merch display was up and front as I entered the store.
So I have to think about my boycott...
#terrorism #cowardice #target #pride
“Councillor Baxter pointed to the larger implications of cancellations of queer events. “The decision to buckle in the face of bigotry will have long-lasting effects. The far right will be assured that their tactics work – this is a huge win for them. And next year, maybe there won’t be any queer events at all. For safety” ”
The Councillor is correct, IMO - and why are police not investigating death threats against children? If they are, it is not mentioned in any news report I've seen.
#cowardice #localgovernment #transphobia #homophobia #trans
The Fantasies of Josh Hawley: The senator’s new book, Manhood, is an exercise in cowardice.
#NYMag #JoshHawley #Manhood #MasculinityFailures #ToxicMasculinity #Cowardice #Politics #News
#nymag #joshhawley #manhood #masculinityfailures #toxicmasculinity #cowardice #politics #news
@augieray precisely...
Corporate #Cowardice is killing people!
What's Going on Friday? #2023_04_28 #brooklynvegan #brooklynvegan_staff #music_news #whats_going_on_tonight_in_nyc #befell #cowardice #cranial_damage #devoye #dj_assault
#2023_04_28 #brooklynvegan #brooklynvegan_staff #music_news #whats_going_on_tonight_in_nyc #befell #cowardice #cranial_damage #devoye #dj_assault