I would love to hang with these guys. They seem to be having so much more fun than the #cowboyactionshooting and reenactor guys I encounter here in the states.
dans les disciplines du tir sportif, est-ce que l'un·e d'entre-vous pratique
le CAS (cowboy action shooting)
le WB (Wild Bunch)
le CFD (Cowboy Fast Draw)
#tirsportif #cowboyactionshooting
To round this off, because I have so many interests:
#starwars huge fan of the prequels and OG trilogy, ST needs some work
#startrek TNG is good, I like Voyager due to the lost in space aspect
#stargate I love all 3 shows, saw the movie long ago, and got hooked
#battlestargalactica I'm a fan of the 2003 series, thought it had good and bad points.
#cowboyactionshooting you dress in period clothes, and use period weapons, its neat, fun, and challenging
There's more, DM me!
#starwars #startrek #stargate #battlestargalactica #cowboyactionshooting #oxfordcommaforever
"se battre comme une fille" 😂
mouais, perso, je me tiendrais bien hors de portée
me faut encore de l'entraînement
#cas #cowboyactionshooting #sass