🤠 Howdy partners! Get ready to saddle up with us in Dallas on June 15th for DBWa2023! 🐴
We're thrilled to announce this year's gala dinner theme - "Cowboys of the Dallas Plains." Dust off your cowboy boots, don your Stetsons, and grab your (toy) revolvers for a hootenanny you won't forget! 🌵
📍Remember, bring your costume with you – there ain't a costume shop within a country mile of the event!
#DBWa2023 #CowboysOfTheDallasPlains #DBWaGalaDinner #WesternTheme #Yeehaw #DallasEvent
#dbwa2023 #cowboysofthedallasplains #dbwagaladinner #westerntheme #yeehaw #dallasevent