Global News BC: ‘I want justice’: Rally held as B.C. teen’s death remains under investigation #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #CarsynSeaweeddeathlatest #CarsynSeaweeddeath #Carsynteendeath #Duncanteendeath #CowichanTribes #RallyforCarsyn #WalkforJustice #CarsynSeaweed #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #carsynseaweeddeathlatest #carsynseaweeddeath #carsynteendeath #duncanteendeath #cowichantribes #rallyforcarsyn #walkforjustice #carsynseaweed #crime
Global News BC: RCMP investigating tragic death of 15-year-old girl near Duncan #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Cowichanyouthdeath #YouthdeathCowichan #Cowichanteendeath #TeendeathCowichan #Duncanteendeath #CowichanTribes #Cowichandeath #Duncandeath #Cowichan #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #cowichanyouthdeath #youthdeathcowichan #cowichanteendeath #teendeathcowichan #duncanteendeath #cowichantribes #cowichandeath #duncandeath #cowichan #crime
Global News BC: Cowichan contractor says he’s seen no change in right to work on new B.C. hospital #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #communitybenefitagreement #CowichanHospital #CowichanTribes #joncoleman #Politics #Cowichan #Labour #Union #NDP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #communitybenefitagreement #cowichanhospital #cowichantribes #joncoleman #politics #cowichan #labour #union #ndp
Global News BC: Union-favouring community agreement seemingly at odds with Indigenous rights in Duncan, B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #CowichanDistrictHospitalReplacementProject #CommunityBenefitsAgreement #BCMinistryofHealth #Jon-coContracting #indigenousrights #BCFirstNations #CowichanTribes #Perspectives #BCgovernment #BCIndigenous #DuncanBC #Economy #Canada #Health #Duncan #UNDRIP #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #cowichandistricthospitalreplacementproject #communitybenefitsagreement #BCMinistryofHealth #jon #indigenousrights #BCFirstNations #cowichantribes #perspectives #BCgovernment #bcindigenous #duncanbc #economy #Canada #health #duncan #UNDRIP #BC
@chema @Fanua Also very oddly here in #Cowichan the #CanadianGovernment took 7 bands who were independent but traded and intermarried peacefully and lived prosperously together into one band named them #CowichanTribes and totally upset their balance of power. Meanwhile they split the #Okanagan into two.
#okanagan #cowichantribes #canadiangovernment #Cowichan