#CoWINDataLeak - Personal Data of Vaccine Recipients Leaked
Malayalam news portal, said that a Telegram bot on the channel “hak4learn” was providing access to the private information of millions of Indians.
#cowindataleak #cowin #dataleak
Sensitive personal information of those who took or signed up for #Covid19 vaccines was freely accessible for an unknown duration, according to reports and screenshots.
(Report @RamblingBrook & @deekbhardwaj)
Read here: https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/sensitive-personal-information-of-covid-19-vaccine-recipients-leaked-in-new-delhi-via-telegram-bot-101686595669246.html #press
#covid19 #cowindataleak #press
At risk may be personally identifiable information (PII) of millions of people, since the data appeared to include identity documents details of people who signed up to get #Covid19 vaccines.
✍ @VinayakD
https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/reports-and-screenshots-reveal-potential-breach-of-india-s-cowin-vaccine-booking-system-with-personal-data-at-risk-101686596451165.html #press
#covid19 #cowindataleak #press
Union health ministry denied a breach had taken place, but screenshots showed sensitive information was accessed.
(Report @RamblingBrook & @deekbhardwaj)
https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/sensitive-personal-information-of-covid-19-vaccine-recipients-leaked-in-new-delhi-via-telegram-bot-101686595669246.html #press