Today we celebrate #WorldMilkDay!
There is so much different milk these days, there is definitely a milk for you. You want a creamy texture and sweet flavor, go for #OatMilk. You're more into a nutty flavor? Go for #AlmondMilk. Is violently taking away a baby from its mother and killing it a few weeks later more your thing, go for #CowMilk. Or if you prefer a healthy drink rich in protein and calcium, go for #SoyMilk. 🥛
#soymilk #cowmilk #almondmilk #oatmilk #worldmilkday
Okay folks, I'm really sad to learn #cowmilk isn't great for #hormonedisorders like #pcos. What is your favorite #milksubstitute? #plantdairy #Reccommend
#cowmilk #hormonedisorders #pcos #milksubstitute #plantdairy #reccommend
@mishi I'm vegan I drink mostly #soymilk, spouse drinks #almondmilk, kids drink #peaproteinmilk
leave the cows be, and let them feed their babies rather than us
Would be happy if we have to label them all, so we have #GoatMilk and #CowMilk on the shelf too
#soymilk #almondmilk #peaproteinmilk #goatmilk #cowmilk
How to Treat Cow's Milk Allergy in Babies with Ayurvedic Medications? Complete Guidance:-
#CowMilkAllergy #CowsMilkAllergy #MilkAllergy #FoodAllergy #Indigestion #Baby #Infants #Children #Child #ChildCare #Parents #Treatment #Ayurveda #CowMilk #Milk #Herbs #HomeRemedies #Ayurveda #Treatment #USA #Allergy #Allergies #HomeRemedies #Herbs #Ayurveda #Treatment #USA #Herbs #Ayurveda #Treatment #AyurvedicTreatment #HerbalRemedies #Herbal #Remedies #Herbs #AyurvedaHealing
#cowmilkallergy #cowsmilkallergy #milkallergy #foodallergy #indigestion #baby #infants #children #child #childcare #parents #treatment #ayurveda #cowmilk #milk #herbs #homeremedies #usa #allergy #allergies #ayurvedictreatment #herbalremedies #herbal #remedies #ayurvedahealing
Have just had the most amazing #Vegan #milkReplacement in station cafe at #MiddelFart Not seen it before but the structure and flavour are the closest yet to #CowMilk. Going to be looking out for #DrykÆrteDrik - it's #pea based..
#pea #drykærtedrik #cowmilk #middelfart #milkreplacement #vegan
#InTodaysOJ Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/709 of 6 May 2022 refusing to authorise a #healthclaim made on #foods and referring to #children’s development and #Health
#InTodaysOJ #healthclaim #foods #children #health #EUHealth #cowmilk