I live in Montreal and about 20 years ago I ordered these Primula Veris seeds all the way from Toronto’s Richter’s Herbs.
I’d never seen these anywhere before and I fell in love with their bright, little nodding heads. I nurtured them carefully through the years and only found out years later that these are actually common cowslips that grow wild all over the British Isles.
Funny how one gardener’s common plant can be another gardener’s treasured rarity 😃
#Cowslip #Primula #Gardening
#ClimateDiary am a bit late for #WildFlowerHour but after reading #RobertMacFarlane’s comment on how much #Cowslip there was this year, and everyone else sharing their pictures, I spotted so much too - nice how these conversations alert you, and to be enjoying this all together. And masses of #Dandelions everywhere too. As someone else said: it seems to be a yellow year! Though a few #Bluebells too 😊
#ClimateDiary #wildflowerhour #RobertMacFarlane #cowslip #Dandelions #bluebells
For flower Friday, a pale yellow cowslip, Primula Veris, from the British countryside.
#flowerfriday #flora #primulaveris #cowslip
Spring is in the air .... well our garden in the #Cairngorms. "In the ‘Language of Flowers’ #Cowslip symbolises comeliness and winning grace" Plantlife