Since my cozy pictures were mostly drawn similar, I've compared the time I've spent on them (according to Krita which is pure drawing time).
Below is a plot showing the time for pictures with two characters on them.
With background averages to 61 min, without BG to 44 min. Also there seems to be a slight downwards trend for both, so maybe I've got quicker or sloppier. 😆
The last two "no BG" points took so long because they're not furries but humans!
"Hug" (5/5)
I won't have to start the next year with bad luck, as I've just finished the last picture of my #Cozy2021Countdown challenge!
#oc #CreativeToots #MastoArt #drawingchallenge #cozy2021countdown
"Hug" (3/5)
Finally finished!
#mastoArt #creativeToots #drawingChallenge #cozy2021countdown #furryArt #furry #oc
#oc #furry #furryart #cozy2021countdown #drawingchallenge #CreativeToots #MastoArt
In case I won't be able to draw three more hug pictures, I'll just claim that a hug with four persons counts as four hug prompts!!
Oh, and Toni (right) is actually smaller than Luise (middle). I can't draw my own characters correctly lmao.
#mastoArt #creativeToots #furry #furryArt #oc #drawingChallenge #cozy2021countdown
#cozy2021countdown #drawingchallenge #oc #furryart #furry #CreativeToots #MastoArt
A sloppy "cuddles"!
#furryart #cozy2021countdown #drawingchallenge #MastoArt
That's a bit silly as he's an adult. Oh, well.
Only the 4 hugs left!
#mastoArt #drawingChallenge #cozy2021countdown #furry #furryArt #oc
#oc #furryart #furry #cozy2021countdown #drawingchallenge #MastoArt
And "chocolate"!
I have to catch up a bit. There are 5 pictures left and I don't want to start the next year with bad luck!
#cozy2021countdown #drawingChallenge #art #mastoArt #CreativeToots #oc #furryArt #furry
#furry #furryart #oc #CreativeToots #MastoArt #art #drawingchallenge #cozy2021countdown
Can he even see anyhing with the lights on? Maybe he's just using the window as a colorful mirror.
I couldn't think of another scene for "fairylights". 🙈
#MastoArt #CreativeToots #furry #furryArt #cozy2021countdown #drawingChallenge #oc
#oc #drawingchallenge #cozy2021countdown #furryart #furry #CreativeToots #MastoArt
Where they live a lot of snow can fall!
#mastoArt #CreativeToots #drawingChallenge #cozy2021countdown #furry #furryArt
#furryart #furry #cozy2021countdown #drawingchallenge #CreativeToots #MastoArt
What's this, an indoor picture that's not red-range colored... 👀
Hidden because of cartoon nudity, though the private parts are all covered. (They're sitting in a bathtub.)
#mastoArt #CreativeToots #urry
#furryArt #oc #drawingChallenge #cozy2021countdown
#cozy2021countdown #drawingchallenge #oc #furryart #urry #CreativeToots #MastoArt
It's getting slightly more difficult to not repeat previous pictures. 🙈
#mastoArt #drawingChallenge #cozy2021countdown #furry #furryArt #creativeToots #oc
#oc #CreativeToots #furryart #furry #cozy2021countdown #drawingchallenge #MastoArt
"Telling Stories"
I had something else in mind when creating the prompt list, but I don't see Renee and Mats reading from a giant fairytale book to each other, sooo Mats is telling stories about pictures from his family or something.
Or how a twitter chat of him got more likes than usual. Who knows!
#mastoArt #creativeToots #drawingChallenge #cozy2021countdown #furryArt #furry #oc
#oc #furry #furryart #cozy2021countdown #drawingchallenge #CreativeToots #MastoArt
I stopped Avatar Korra so I can finish "hug"!
There will be more hugs later, because in the end I filled up the prompt list with hugs after I ran out of ideas. 😂
#mastoArt #creativeToots #drawingChallenge #cozy2021countdown #furryArt #furry #oc
#oc #furry #furryart #cozy2021countdown #drawingchallenge #CreativeToots #MastoArt
Okay, creating the ice and the reflections was incredibly easy and fast done, but didn't know how to shade the characters and the forest in a matching way. 🤔
#mastoArt #creativeToots #drawingChallenge #cozy2021countdown #Furry #furryArt #oc
#oc #furryart #furry #cozy2021countdown #drawingchallenge #CreativeToots #MastoArt
This blanket has the same color as the one on the "hibernation" picture but then I was to lazy to repeat the pattern. So I guess they have thing for red plaid bed sheets and own a lot of them. 🤔
#mastoArt #creativeToots #furryArt #furry #OC #drawingChallenge #cozy2021countdown
#cozy2021countdown #drawingchallenge #oc #furry #furryart #CreativeToots #MastoArt
That's a quite fitting prompt for today (even though if I was in time I should've drawn it like two days ago) because today is the forth Sunday of Advent! Do people light advent candles in other countries than Germany as well?
Maybe I'm drawing all of this Christmas kitsch, because usually I'd be at my families place which is decorated with such things. Also with Christmas markets (luckily) being canceled, I have to compensate a bit. 😆
#furryart #oc #cozy2021countdown #MastoArt
And I think I'm three pictures behind! 🤔
#mastoArt #creativeToots #drawingChallenge #cozy2021countdown #furry #furryArt #oc
#oc #furryart #furry #cozy2021countdown #drawingchallenge #CreativeToots #MastoArt
I've kinda run out of ideas in the end, but the list is now complete. And I'm a bit behind buuut I have holidays now! 🎉
18 cozy days left until 2021 and today's prompt is "light"!
In my hometown people usually only did a bit of decorating the house with light. But there were a few houses ridiculously over-packed with lighting, so we often went to sight-see them in December! 😆
#mastoArt #creativeToots #furry #furryArt #drawingChallenge #cozy2021countdown #oc
#oc #cozy2021countdown #drawingchallenge #furryart #furry #CreativeToots #MastoArt