DeL · @DeL
239 followers · 2167 posts · Server

Hoy me gustaría recomendar un juego que salió este 1 de septiembre.

Usagi Shima. :gif_bun_happy:

Es para teléfono móvil y gratuito.

Se trata de cuidar a conejitos que vayan llegando a tú terreno y tienes que ir decorando para que vengan más. También debes de cuidarlos según sus peticiones (caricias, comida, fotografías, jugar al escondite) . Ellos a cambio te darán zanahorias que podrás canjear en la tiendita para comprar objetos de decoración y las zanahorias doradas son para comprar edificios.

Aquí abajo os muestro algunas fotos de cómo tengo yo mi zona decorada y cómo los conejitos interactúan.

#cozy #cozygames #cozygame #cozygaming #usagishima #usagi #rabitt #conejo

Last updated 1 year ago

DeL · @DeL
237 followers · 2147 posts · Server

Estoy ahora obsesionada con las vaquitas por culpa de este juego, es que son tan monas :nkoStars:

#cozy #cozygames #cozygaming #cow #cows

Last updated 1 year ago

DeL · @DeL
232 followers · 2063 posts · Server

Mi huerto humilde de otoño :bun_heart:

#cozy #cozygames #cozygaming #chibi

Last updated 1 year ago

TeaBat · @trinitybat
10 followers · 33 posts · Server
Mika · @wawe
17 followers · 123 posts · Server

Having a lot of fun with . 20 hours into beta and I think I have barely scratched the surface. The pacing is great for a farming game and I love the villagers. I think right now the biggest issues with the game are lagging and lack of MMO/Multiplayer features. There is currently minimal benefit on playing alone or in co-op. I hope we get more multiplayer features in the future or otherwise it is kind of a waste to be an MMO.

#Palia #linuxgaming #cozygaming #mmo

Last updated 1 year ago

Okay looks positively adorable.

#fabledom #gaming #cozygaming #casualgaming

Last updated 1 year ago

Grissallia 🏳️‍⚧️ · @grissallia
971 followers · 4946 posts · Server

August 15, 2023 - Day 227 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 247

Game: The Stillness of the Wind

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Feb 8, 2019
Library Date: Jun 5, 2023
Unplayed: 71d (2m10d)
Playtime: 22m

The Stillness of the Wind is a third-person game about loss and getting old.

Talma lives alone on her farm in the middle of nowhere, with a couple of goats, and a few chickens.

This is a very quiet game, that involves just... living. As Talma, you milk the goats & make cheese. You collect eggs from the chickens, and mushrooms from under the windmill. You plant seeds, and collect water from the well, to water them. You cook dinner, read a letter should one come, and go to bed to start over.

Rendered in warm watercolour tones, you feel Talma's age as she makes her way around her tiny farm. Various items bring memories to mind, and several of them are quite sad.

This is not a game to play for fun. It evoked in me a sense of melancholy and loneliness.

I will probably play it through to completion, but when I'm in the right frame of mind to engage with it.

The Stillness of the Wind is:

3: OK

#thestillnessofthewind #thirdperson #cozygaming #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay

Last updated 1 year ago

Lucas Eirini · @lucas_of_peace
9 followers · 22 posts · Server

Since I'm approaching the endgame, I figured it wouldn't hurt to do a quick plug for my of . Fifth episode comes out this evening. Please excuse some early installment awkwardness. It's the type of video you'd probably use to sleep or have running in the background.

#actionrpg #cozygames #monsterboyandthecursedkingdom #letsplay #cozygaming

Last updated 1 year ago

Juha Kohvakka 🏳️‍🌈 · @jk
16 followers · 35 posts · Server

Tää oli muuten ironisella tavalla mielenkiintoinen juttu. Nyt on saanut nimen ilmiö, mitä mä oon tehnyt koko elämäni. Eli pelannut erityisesti pelejä, jotka tuottavat mulle mukavuuden ja turvallisuuden tunnetta. for life. Voinko nyt kieltäytyä napakasti Resident Evilistä, Silent Hillistä ja vastaavista sanomalla vaan että sorry, ois varmasti hyvä, mutta mä oon cozygamer?


Last updated 1 year ago

Octavia :blobPikaLove: · @Octavia
158 followers · 919 posts · Server

Ce matin j'ai vite fait tenté Garden Story mais j'ai pas réussi à dépasser l'intro.

Il ressemble à un Zelda classique (pensez Link's Awakening) mais en plus guidé et peut-être pour les plus jeunes ?

J'y reviendrai sans doute mais pour l'instant le mood n'est pas le bon.

#gardenstory #cozygaming #jeuxvideo

Last updated 1 year ago

Octavia :blobPikaLove: · @Octavia
158 followers · 919 posts · Server

Et puis hier j'ai fait Cat Café Manager en une seule session d'un peu moins de 12h.

Notre personnage revient dans la ville ou vivait sa grand-mère pour relancer le café à chats. L'histoire est classique (le burnout, l'aieul qui lègue un petit commerce à faire fleurir, ça relance la dynamique de la ville, un ensemble de personnages viennent se raconter, etc) et le gameplay… c'est du grind.

C'est celui que j'ai le moins aimé pour l'instant 😕

#jeuxvideo #catcafemanager #cozygaming

Last updated 1 year ago

Octavia :blobPikaLove: · @Octavia
158 followers · 917 posts · Server

Après j'ai enchaîné avec Alba: A Wildlife Adventure qui m'a un peu rappelé Pokemon Snap mais avec moins de rails et plus d'écoactivisme.

Ça faisait chaud au cœur de jouer cette gamine qui veut sauver la faune et la flore de l'île où elle visite ses grand-parents pour les vacances.

Il faut prendre des photos des animaux pour sensibiliser les habitants et les rallier à sa cause.

#jeuxvideo #cozygaming #albaawildlifeadventure

Last updated 1 year ago

Octavia :blobPikaLove: · @Octavia
158 followers · 917 posts · Server

En premier j'ai joué à Assemble with Care, qui est un petit puzzle game narratif qu'on termine en ~2h.

C'était vraiment doux comme histoire, j'ai adoré le principe d'écouter les personnages se raconter pendant que je réparais leurs objets. Dommage qu'il faille une certaine dextérité sur le Steam Deck car les contrôles sont prévus à la souris. (Moi j'ai pas eu de mal, mais la frustration a un peu gâché l'expérience à ma copine moins gameuse)

#jeuxvideo #cozygaming #SteamDeck #assemblewithcare

Last updated 1 year ago

Octavia :blobPikaLove: · @Octavia
158 followers · 917 posts · Server

Il y a deux semaines j'ai acheté le HumbleBundle Whimsy & Wonder avec que des « Cozy Games »

J'avais déjà fait A Short Hike il y a un moment sur ma Switch, est-ce qu'il y a encore besoin de le présenter ?

Il est très court, reposant et on s'amuse facilement comme dans BotW ou TotK à trouver des trajets alternatifs à ceux suggérés par le jeu.

#cozygaming #jeuxvideo #ashorthike #humblebundle

Last updated 1 year ago

Octavia :blobPikaLove: · @Octavia
143 followers · 869 posts · Server

Wholesome Games qui fait une opération de promotion sur 250 jeux sur Steam c'est pour me tuer.

#wholesomegames #steam #jeuxvideo #cozygaming

Last updated 1 year ago

Azure Hailfire · @AzureHailfireMedia
9 followers · 32 posts · Server

Hey there, it's Kenny here! I'm so pumped to share my Twitch schedule for the upcoming week with everyone! Gonna be a bit of a busier one with a stream for some reason at some time on every day but the weekend!

I can't wait to hang out, chat, and have a blast together! See you there!

#jrpg #cozygaming #charitygaming #varietystreaming #twitch #smalltimestreamers

Last updated 1 year ago

Cloud Dosage · @clouddosage
276 followers · 695 posts · Server

☺️ After a long way of work or studies, many will enjoy a relaxing game to unwind. Here are some excellent cozy games to stream via the cloud!

#cloudgaming #indiegames #cozygaming #gaming #videogames

Last updated 1 year ago

Krikket · @Krikket
139 followers · 1115 posts · Server
Grissallia 🏳️‍⚧️ · @grissallia
888 followers · 4337 posts · Server

July 1, 2023 - Day 182 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 201

Game: A Little to the Left

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Nov 9, 2022
Library Date: Jun 30, 2023
Unplayed: 1d
Playtime: 33m

A Little to the Left isn't about becoming increasingly progressive, but rather a cozy puzzle game about organizing household items.

I'd had it on my wishlist for a while, and Steam seasonal sales are my kryptonite.

To be honest, after the last week, it was really kind of what I needed last night.

Also, there's a cat.

The cat likes to reach in at infrequent intervals and mess up the pile of things I'd just organised, and to be honest, I didn't mind at all.

There's a lovely, whimsical feel to the design of the game. The puzzles (so far) aren't terribly complex, but there's a wonderful feeling of satisfaction with each solved puzzle.

It's not just the satisfaction of solving the puzzle itself (and one does love a good puzzle game), but the solutions themselves are usually deeply satisfying to my autistic brain, that wants to organise & systematise everything.

I think the only other game that's really scratched that itch for me is the delightful (and LGBTQ+) Unpacking.

A Little to the Left is:

4: Good

(A Little to the Left is still available on sale until July 14th.)

#alittletotheleft #puzzle #organising #cozygaming #cozy #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay

Last updated 1 year ago

"There comes a time in every man's live when he needs his three minecars back!"

Those life milestones hit different

#thecave #gaming #puzzlegame #puzzlegames #riddles #videogames #Zocken #ratsel #cozygaming #feierabend #Goldmine

Last updated 1 year ago