Das Inn, wo man öfters diverse NPCs antrifft / The Inn where you can meet several of the NPCs
#closedbeta #beta #palia #cozymmo
Begegnungen beim Fischen / Fishing encounters
#closedbeta #beta #palia #cozymmo
Was kann man hierzu schon sagen, ausser dass es einfach wundervoll ist? 😍 Am 10.8. startet die Open Beta!
What can you say about this except that it's wonderful? 😍 On Aug 10th, the open beta will start!
#ClosedBeta #Beta #Palia #CozyMMO
Ihr könnt meinen Referal-Link für euren eigenen Account benutzen! -- You can use my referral link for your own account!
#closedbeta #beta #palia #cozymmo
The Daily Grind: What’s the coziest MMO world out there? #CozyMMO https://massivelyop.com/2023/02/08/the-daily-grind-whats-the-coziest-mmo-world-out-there