I just found out The Dog Days of Murder (Ginny Reese Mysteries Book 2) is a finalist in the Silver Falchion Awards! Unfortunately, I can't attend Killer Nashville this year, but it's a great honor to be a finalist!
#CozyMystery #CozyMysteryReaders #Bookstodon #BookAwards
#bookawards #bookstodon #cozymysteryreaders #cozymystery
I'd timed a new release with #MaliceDomestic in the hopes of introducing the Ginny Reese Mysteries to legions of new fans.
Instead, I got sick and had to cancel the trip. Feeling a little sorry for myself this morning, though that could be the illness speaking.
If you love #CozyMystery, check out A Corpse in the Condo (Ginny Reese Mysteries Book 3) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C26DPBB7
#doglovers #cozymysteryreaders #cozymystery #malicedomestic
Apparently I can't take advantage of certain features on BookBub until I hit 1 K followers. My M.K. Dean account could use some love. I write #CozyMystery under that pen name. I have a new release coming out June 1 and would greatly appreciate some follows.
#CozyMysteryReaders if you follow me on BB you'll find out when I have new releases! #Authors, I'll follow back anyone who follows me! https://www.bookbub.com/profile/m-k-dean
#authors #cozymysteryreaders #cozymystery
Where you at #mysterywriters #historicalmysterywriters #cozymysterywriters #mysteryreaders #historicalmysteryreaders #cozymysteryreaders #mysterybloggers
#mysterywriters #historicalmysterywriters #cozymysterywriters #mysteryreaders #historicalmysteryreaders #cozymysteryreaders #mysterybloggers
Me, reading an otherwise well-written murder mystery, mentally screaming every time the protag lets her newly acquired puppy do incredibly unwise things. 😱
#dogs #cozymysteryreaders #cozymystery
I saw this cookie idea on TikTok and couldn't resist trying it. Decorating isn't my strong suit, so there's definitely a "Nailed It" vibe, but I thought the sad little cookie highly appropriate to a mystery writer. 😆
#HolidayCookies #HolidayBaking #MeltingSnowmanCookies #CozyMystery #CozyMysteryReaders #CozyMysteryWriters
#cozymysterywriters #cozymysteryreaders #cozymystery #meltingsnowmancookies #holidaybaking #holidaycookies
So... this happened. An Embarrassment of Itches (Ginny Reese Mysteries Book 1) has been named a winner in the 2022 Best Indie Book Awards for #CozyMystery
I'm somewhat stunned. I know I say this every time something like this happens, but I'm always touched and astonished that anyone could like something that I've written to this extent.
#book #bookish #bookstodon #cozymysteryreaders #cozymystery
The utter satisfaction of arriving at work to discover your missing e-reader... you know, the one you tore the house and car apart looking for last night...
#romancereaders #cozymysteryreaders #amreading #reading