Unfortunately, my #DukinfieldCC clubmate, Phil Cunninhgam, has today decided to scratch from the #Transcontinental. He started a route, overnight, after the #Stelvio, that took him towards the #Dolomites but this morning still had @ 200km to do by midnight, tonight, in order to reach Check Point 2 (#CP2) within the time limit. He's gutted, obviously, so we've all advised him to fill up on pizzas and beers (lots of), get loads of kip, be a tourist OFF the bike for a few days then get the train(s) home and surprise Mrs Cunningham early!
Attached are his final stats.
Just for reference, the leader, #ChristianStrasser, has just entered #NorthMacedonia, has done @ 2900km at an average of 494km PER DAY! He'll probably finish tomorrow!
Chapeau, Phil, you are AWESOME!!!
#dukinfieldcc #transcontinental #stelvio #dolomites #cp2 #christianstrasser #northmacedonia #tcrno9cap94 #tcr2023 #tcrno9 #duks #biketoot #BikeTooter
RT @SophiePignon@twitter.com
Séance de révision sur les dents
#CP1: Il y a des dents au fond, elles sont grosses et plates sur le dessus...
#CP2: Oui, c'est les omoplates...
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SophiePignon/status/1602374913049993219
Se você andou angustiado por tantas mudanças na sua prática docente, junte-se a nós! Quinta feira às 20h. Anota aí na sua agenda!
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#ead #aulaonline #cp2 #cpii #educacao #educação #forum #webinar #fisica #física #ensinodefisica #EnsinoSuperior #ensinomedio