4 lessons from CPAC https://theweek.com/instant-opinion/1021574/4-lessons-from-cpac
CNN fact checker knocks down more than a dozen false claims made by GOPers at #CPAC https://www.alternet.org/daniel-dale/
#cpac #cpacisgoinggreat #GOPLiars
#CPACIsGoingGreat #CPACIsForLosers #CPAC
The Sad, Desolate Scenes of CPAC 2023 https://newrepublic.com/article/170959/cpac-2023-bannon-trump-desantis
#cpac #cpacisforlosers #cpacisgoinggreat
#CPACIsGoingGreat #IndictMattSchlapp #GOPGroomers
CPAC attendees fear the event is now just a slush fund for Matt Schlapp’s legal defense 03-MAR-2023 https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/cpac-matt-schlapp/
#GOPGroomers #indictmattschlapp #cpacisgoinggreat
Donald Trump, Jr., speaking to a packed house, calling John Fetterman a vegetable. I can't wait for junior's indictment. #CPACIsGoingGreat #GOPCancer #GOPLiars
#GOPLiars #gopcancer #cpacisgoinggreat