There shall be a #CPAN pragma that can completely breaks implicit importing by, say, monkey-patching Export::import and make it export nothing when no arguments are given.
If such pragma doesn't exist yet, how should ee call it ?
Number::Phone 4.0000 is out! The big change is that perls with 32-bit ints are no longer supported. That's because I've switched what library I used (the new one is 64-bit only) for an internal database. The new one creates *much* more compact data files. It is therefore more friendly towards running in small ephemeral containers in the cloud where a few megabytes of disk space cost actual money instead of being basically free on real servers. #perl #telecoms #cpan @Perl
DBM::Deep 2.0017 is out! the only change from the previous release is a tiny tweak to stop using obsolete perl4 language features so it now works on Perl 5.38. #perl @Perl #cpan
Yay! All CI tests passed for DBM::Deep! And a release candidate up on the CPAN!
I don't normally bother with dev releases, but this is someone else's code and someone else's build script that I'm taking over, and a lot of things depend on it, so I'm being extra-cautious.
I. Am. A. Fool.
I found a bug in a library. The previous maintainers of that library are no longer interested in it. I asked the #CPAN admins to give me a publish bit. They did.
Now I have to get the damned thing working (easy), and beat it into shape so it works well with my preferred dev toolchain and my release script.
Anyway, expect an updated version of DBM::Deep which passes its own tests some time in the next few days.
If you do lots of testing of complex data structures in #perl, you might use Test::Differences and Test::Deep. However, they do not play well together ... at all.
I've written Test::Deep::Differences. Currently, it's only on #github, but if you find it useful, I might push it to #cpan.
@ck @ology @tobyink You *can* install and use #Perl modules that are more recent that those included by getting them from #CPAN:
You don’t even need root access:
Does your “not under my control” statement preclude that?
I released #Rex-1.14.3 today, making it available both on #CPAN and in my #Gentoo overlay.
This version of the friendly automation framework contains bug fixes for local package installation, command existence checks, and git tests.
Release notes:
Maintainer blog:
Happy hacking!
#rex #cpan #gentoo #rexops #perl #automation #devops #opensource
@richlv If it uses the `cpanm` command distributed with the App-cpanminus distribution on #CPAN (, its default behavior should be to update #Perl modules to the latest version unless given the name or location of a specific version’s archive file
I have uploaded a new version of the #Perl #Plack greylist middleware to #CPAN
This allows you to throttle requests with different rates based on net blocks or groups of netblocks.
This version adds a "norobots" rate that blocks all requests except for "robots.txt".
It also adds "allowed" and "rejected" rates as synonyms for "whitelist" and "blacklist".
@ChristosArgyrop @Perl I don’t think it searched #CPAN or #MetaCPAN, because “BinaryTree” doesn’t exist there. It’s merely suggesting a package name.
If it actually searched CPAN it would tell you about something like
And if it were truly CPAN-aware it would tell you to name your package Local::BinaryTree so you don’t get surprised later when another #Perl package from outside preempts your name:
This is a test toot created with the #perl Mastodon::Client #CPAN module. #PleaseIgnore
This is a test toot created with the #perl Mastodon::Client #CPAN module. #PleaseIgnore
This is a test toot created with the #perl Mastodon::Client #CPAN module. #PleaseIgnore
This is a test toot created with the #perl Mastodon::Client #CPAN module. #PleaseIgnore
@joelle @Perl The #Perl #CPAN modules Sereal::Encoder, CBOR::XS, JSON, JSON::XS, Cpanel::JSON::XS and others all use FREEZE and THAW as described in Types::Serialiser:
@randy5235 #CPAN was one of the originally federated code repositories. The “N” stands for “network”:
From Neil Bowers, a belated summary of #CPAN activity in 2022, compared with the previous years. // @Perl #perl
@Perl Well-deserved congratulations to @manwar for receiving the @PerlRakuFoundation White Camel Award 2022!
Mohammad runs the #Perl and #RakuLang Weekly Challenge at and is co-editor of the #PerlWeekly newsletter: Sign up for both!
He’s also a prolific #OpenSource Perl developer with > 100 #CPAN module distributions. You may be using his code right now!
#perl #rakulang #perlweekly #opensource #cpan