Is there a CPAN module installer or dependencies manager with which I can directly install a perl git project via a #cpanfile? (The project itself also has a cpanfile) 🤔 cpanm can't handle git urls yet (in an cpanfile! On the shell I can install a git or github project by cpanm), #Cargo apparently can't either. App::cpm #cpm needs a META.json in the source project and the #Carl project looks a bit old.
#cpanfile #cargo #cpm #carl #perl
@Htbaa @Perl @miyagawa
• cpanm --with-feature is considered experimental,-without-feature,-with-all-features
• The #cpanfile feature directive is modeled after the #CPAN metadata spec’s optional_features map, whose documentation discourages its use because a reverse dependency has no way to specify which features its dependent distributions should enable.
• The point of #Carmel seems to be to produce repeatable builds. Providing feature switches to cpanm sounds counter to that.
Having always used #cpanm with #perl I'm now looking into #Carmel and find it an interesting concept. However, with cpanm and a #cpanfile I can declare a feature which include dependencies that are only installed when I pass the flag to cpanm. But it seems this isn't possible to do with Carmel?
#cpanm #perl #carmel #cpanfile
Use Carton (Carton - Perl module dependency manager , aka Bundler for Perl) for your Mojolicious app deployment