My #cpap journey is about to start, this little beauty was delivered this morning. With an AHI of 72 it's got it's work cut out for it! #cpapmachine #Apnea
I just realized #DarthVader ‘s suit is a giant #cpapmachine
#starwars #cpapmachine #darthvader
So, my bacta tank, I mean CPAP machine came in today. Wish me luck. #cpap #cpapmachine #cpapmask #sleepapnea #bactatank #DarthVader
#cpap #cpapmachine #cpapmask #sleepapnea #bactatank #darthvader
Getting my very first cpap tomorrow for sleep apnea and any tips from users are welcome!!
(Yeah I'm kinda scared)
They're coming to my house tomorrow to try masks and all... what do I need to do, ask, try, etc?
#cpapmachine #cpap #sleepapnea #eds #NEISvoid
Getting my very first cpap tomorrow for sleep apnea and any tips from users are welcome!!
(Yeah I'm kinda scared)
They're coming to my house tomorrow to try masks and all... what do I need to do, ask, try, etc?
#cpapmachine #cpap #sleepapnea #eds #NEISvoid