I'm often asked if there are #tax practitioners that would be interested in writing a piece on something in the news for quick publication. I have a little stable of names that I harangue when that happens, but if anyone in the #fediverse would like to be added to that list I'd love to do so.
Tax #attorneys, #CPAs, accountants, tax practitioners generally, etc. Just either ping me here or email me andrew@leahey.org.
#tax #fediverse #attorneys #cpas
Any #tax #TaxLaw #IRS experts, attorneys, #CPAs here who can answer a question *definitively*, i.e. by citing the IRS' rules about when a #W9 form is needed?
My day job is running a licensed cannabis nursery in NorCal (Plant Humboldt). We sell starter plants to farms and personal use growers. We mostly grow from seed, but sometimes buy rooted cuttings to grow out from other licensed nurseries. We keep getting requests from them for W9s, which IRS says we don't need (best as I can tell and according to the IRS person on the phone). We are not dealing in cash and there are no 8300 forms involved. It's all checks, credit card payments or direct bank to bank wire transfers. There is no logical reason why a W9 is necessary.
On an FB legal weed business forum, everyone insists that getting a #W9form is "normal*, but no one can say where it says required. The ones who say it's required also can't show me where it says that.
#tax #Taxlaw #irs #cpas #w9 #w9form
A shiny new profile as I start my second PhD. "What have I done?" has taken on a second meaning!
#research #researcher #anu #cpas #university #phd
Watching a talk at uni by Prof James Wilsdon. Got me thinking. How do we ensure scientific advisors to governments ensure they channel scientific consensus and not outlier studies? And sometimes policy has to be formed on volatile, early-stage science despite uncertainty.
#CPAS #ANU #ScientificAdvice #CSO #CSA #Uncertainty #Consensus #Science #Research
#cpas #anu #scientificadvice #cso #csa #uncertainty #consensus #science #research
Woo-hoo! Life-changing news! I've accepted an offer to study for a 2nd PhD, at The Australian National University, Centre for the Public Awareness of Science. Topic: Scientific Communication of the Environmental Effects of Dietary Overconsumption.
#research #ANU #CPAS #Diet #Environment #sustainability #FoodSystem #biodiversity #extinction #climateChange #PlanetaryBoundaries #ScienceCommunication #SciComm
#research #anu #cpas #diet #environment #sustainability #foodsystem #biodiversity #extinction #climatechange #planetaryboundaries #sciencecommunication #scicomm
Why did Trump write off 42,965 in helicopter expenses in 2017? Wasn't he using the Presidential helicopter? Trump Org owned helicopters but this was his personal tax return?
Could be legit? Again, just posting some things which stand out to me. Would be happy to hear from #TaxExperts #CPAs
Also, so far I'm noticing that 960 something is a popular figure at the end of his amounts🤔
RT @karinelalieux@twitter.com
Ce fonds est accessible via les #CPAS à tous les citoyens en difficulté de paiement de leurs factures d’#energie. Plus d’infos 👇 https://twitter.com/sudinfo_be/status/1603748018720759811
Campagne sur l'article 23 et la lutte contre les inégalités.
#inégalités #pauvreté #article23 #social #belgique #cpas #chomage #jobsJobsJobs
#inégalités #pauvreté #article23 #social #belgique #cpas #chomage #jobsjobsjobs
Campagne sur l'article 23 et la lutte contre les inégalités.
#inégalités #pauvreté #article23 #social #belgique #cpas #chomage #jobsJobsJobs
#inégalités #pauvreté #article23 #social #belgique #cpas #chomage #jobsjobsjobs