Poilievre's father in law is a Venezuelan drug lord. Toronto's mayor years back, he was a conservative crackhead and his corrupt brother is Ontario's Premier. But yeah, this is totally all on Trudeau. #PierrePoilievreIsLyingToYou #NeverVoteConservative #cpchypocrisy
#pierrepoilievreislyingtoyou #nevervoteconservative #cpchypocrisy
If pierre is lying right now, it's bad because he's intentionally platforming extremism. If he is ACTUALLY telling the truth, then it's a great indicator that these MPs lack the judgment or intelligence to sit in Parliament. #cdnpoli #PierrePoilievreIsBroken #cpchypocrisy
#cdnpoli #pierrepoilievreisbroken #cpchypocrisy