RT @CambridgePrisms
Fires, floods, and storms: studying the extreme events that reshape coastlines under climate change
Read the article published in Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures ➡️http://ow.ly/qfqQ50MzS4a
#cpcoastalfutures #coastalchange
RT @StacyDJupiter@twitter.com
Check out the newly published article on #CPCoastalFutures! ‘The role of macroalgae as nursery areas for fish species within coastal seascapes’ can be found here: https://bit.ly/3VdKvW1. For more information, go visit @CambridgePrisms@twitter.com.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/StacyDJupiter/status/1596157628014632960