Footstall launch...
#Edraith #DogTraining #cpdtka #trickdog #dogsofmastodon
Please please please, do not put your dogs into bad situations. Helping dogs with reactivity is one of the most boring to watch 'training' things ever, because it's all calm and under threshold when done correctly.
Believe it or not, the dog in the image is working on reactivity. The trigger is out of frame, but she is looking at it. Notice the mouth and face and eyes are all relaxed. Also helping her is feeling of her platform is safe. She is able to disengage with the trigger on her own (stops looking at it, looks at me and even can easily perform tricks and respond to cues). She is not restrained in any way, and has the option to opt out at any time. Choice is extremely important for any training activity!
#forcefree #reactivity #dogtraining #cpdt #cpdtka #positivereinforcement #safespace #choice #freedom
#forceFree #reactivity #DogTraining #cpdt #cpdtka #positivereinforcement #safespace #choice #freedom
Running into the new year with an off leash hike 🥳
#dogtraining #cpdtka #newyear #edraith #positivereinforcement
#DogTraining #cpdtka #newyear #Edraith #positivereinforcement