@w8emv @ishotjr @sad_electronics @johnlogic @RobRetro4
*last update*
Okay, so I eventually got it all working. I replaced whatever incarnation of "z80asm" had once been used to assemble the BIOS, BDOS and CCP parts of CP/M with the tiny, little "pasmo" #Pasmo assembler
(https://pasmo.speccy.org/). Much less pain, producing a working result!
I will create a #GitLab repo which will contain both, the esp-open-sdk I used and my adapted release of #cpm8266. I will also include the Pasmo assembler (source).
So eventually anyone interested in building a few #WittyBoards containing a full-blown #CPM system (ideal #XMas gift for nerdy collegues) can use that repo as a base. It's real fun as you can customize the disk images and content being flashed to the #ESP8266
#pasmo #gitlab #cpm8266 #wittyboards #cpm #xmas #esp8266
@RobRetro4 well, it's all about getting #CPM8266 running on an #ESP32 chip. But I've succeeded in building the toolchain. Currently, I'm battling the cpm8266 build process as it has some issue with z80asm - but I'm getting closer!
Does anyone of the #IoT crowd or the #maker and #esp8266 community here on the #fediverse know about a repo of the "esp-open-sdk" that will eventually compile on Linux insted of failing due to expat and python version mismatches?
I'd like to build #CPM8266 (https://github.com/mengstr/cpm8266) and #Xtensa is required to get the job done. But it's Xtensa that fails to build with all the repos I've found.
Please #boost !!
#iot #maker #esp8266 #fediverse #cpm8266 #xtensa #boost