@w8emv @ishotjr @sad_electronics @johnlogic @RobRetro4

*last update*

Okay, so I eventually got it all working. I replaced whatever incarnation of "z80asm" had once been used to assemble the BIOS, BDOS and CCP parts of CP/M with the tiny, little "pasmo" assembler
(pasmo.speccy.org/). Much less pain, producing a working result!

I will create a repo which will contain both, the esp-open-sdk I used and my adapted release of . I will also include the Pasmo assembler (source).

So eventually anyone interested in building a few containing a full-blown system (ideal gift for nerdy collegues) can use that repo as a base. It's real fun as you can customize the disk images and content being flashed to the

#pasmo #gitlab #cpm8266 #wittyboards #cpm #xmas #esp8266

Last updated 2 years ago

@RobRetro4 well, it's all about getting running on an chip. But I've succeeded in building the toolchain. Currently, I'm battling the cpm8266 build process as it has some issue with z80asm - but I'm getting closer!

#cpm8266 #esp32

Last updated 2 years ago

Does anyone of the crowd or the and community here on the know about a repo of the "esp-open-sdk" that will eventually compile on Linux insted of failing due to expat and python version mismatches?

I'd like to build (github.com/mengstr/cpm8266) and is required to get the job done. But it's Xtensa that fails to build with all the repos I've found.

Please !!

#iot #maker #esp8266 #fediverse #cpm8266 #xtensa #boost

Last updated 2 years ago