Ok, Read speed test is done!
Interesting note, the write speed test uses BDOS calls, while the read test uses BIOS calls. The latter is a little bit faster, and achieves 14kB/s on a bit-banged SD-card.
Check it out here:
Short call, but i just got home.
Will be live at 18:15, in roughly 20 minutes.
Lets code on CP/M Plus & Z80!
My Drive Tool for CP/M Plus is almost done.
What it already does:
-Save Boottracks to File
-Write File to Boottracks
-Wipe Directory
-Write Speed test
What may work:
-Wipe Drive. This may get the number of tracks wrong and might damage a real floppy drive
What isn't implemented:
-Read speed test
Go ahead, give it a try and fix you broken directories:
Pro Tip:
If you start getting into CP/M, no matter wich version, get used to using .LBR files.
They are not just archives. With the LRUN, LDIR and LTYPE utilities, you can use files inside .LBR libraries without unpacking them. So .LBR files are on CP/M what directories are on DOS.
If you just want to try the tool:
Build with ZMAC / LINK.
Option 1 should always be safe.
Option 6 is dangerous, especially if your drive is too fast.
It writes sequentially to a file, for exactly 10 seconds (Or forever, if there is no RTC).
If your drive runs full before that time, it just crashes.
The other options are safe but useless.
Any Comments or Suggestions very welcome :)
#CPMPlus #RC2014 #RCbus #CPM
RT @museucapixaba@twitter.com
É hoje!
O sistema operacional Digital Research CP/M plus de 1982
Há 40 anos!
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