Check out my post, "A string class that is only instantiable at compile-time", you learn how to have a class that s only instantiable at compile-time.
KDAB's Jesper Pedersen wanted to show algorithms in his video series Qt Widgets and More. Additionally, he wanted to learn more about template meta programming for his own use.
Result: an algorithm library that can make complex code easier to read💡 #cpp #cplusplus #algorithms #cpp14 #cpp17 #cpp20
#cpp #cplusplus #algorithms #cpp14 #cpp17 #cpp20
In my latest blog post, "push_back vs. emplace_back: When to use what", you learn the difference between these two and a potential pitfall.
In my latest blog post, "A string class that is only insatiable at compile-time", you learn how to have a class that can only be instantiated at compile-time.
See my new article:
Have you tried structured bindings from C++17?
#education #books #programming #cpp #cpp20
Looks like "C++20 - The Complete Guide" by Nicolai M. Josuttis is finished (he allowed to buy it while being written).
I haven't bought this book yet, but I got his two books about #cpp17 and move semantics.
He's great educator, I can't recommend more! His videos are also very useful.
Bartłomiej Filipek is also great author if you want to refresh C++ knowledge.
#education #books #programming #cpp #cpp20 #cpp17
I *rarely* ask on #StackOverflow
But today was a question worth asking, I think: "Order of evaluation in v != std::exchange(v, predecessor(v))"
Any #cpp standardese buffs know this off-hand, say for #cpp17?
std::exchange is underrated episode #756
This time it meets c++17 ranged-for with initializer:
A-ha! There was a variant that worked in C++17 (and of course no longer in C++20, but I'm pushing off dealing with C++20 and char8_t string literals to 2030 or so).
#multithreading #cpp17 #cpp #programming
Okay... Here, I bought you a Optional Types :
std::optional<int> opt = std::nullopt;
return *opt;
Implementing a logging system in C++17
a bit of background for concepts and C++17 -- Bjarne Stroustrup
#cpp #cpp17
#Programming #Coding
#GapryBlogReadingList #cpp #cpp17 #programming #coding