Kompute - The general purpose GPU compute framework for cross vendor graphics cards (AMD, Qualcomm, NVIDIA & friends)
https://kompute.cc #programming #cpp #cpplang #python
#programming #cpp #cpplang #python
Most C++ constructors should be explicit
– Arthur O'Dwyer – Stuff mostly about C++
https://quuxplusone.github.io/blog/2023/04/08/most-ctors-should-be-explicit #programming #cpp #cpplang
An error propagation operator for C++
https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2022/p2561r1.html #cpp #cpplang #programming
How can I box a std::optional into a C++/WinRT IInspectable?
https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20230330-00/?p=107986 #cpp #cpplang #programming #WinRT
#cpp #cpplang #programming #WinRT
Understandig Virtual Tables in C++ | pablo arias
https://pabloariasal.github.io/2017/06/10/understanding-virtual-tables #cpp #cpplang #programming
C++ On Embedded Systems
https://bitbashing.io/embedded-cpp.html #cpp #cpplang #programming
std::visit is everything wrong with modern C++
https://bitbashing.io/std-visit.html #cpp #cpplang #programming
Surprise: the inline specifier in C++ doesn't inline at all
C++ - Inline Variables and Functions | pablo arias
https://pabloariasal.github.io/2019/02/28/cpp-inlining #cpp #cpplang #programming
C++20 Coroutines and io_uring - Part 1/3 | pablo arias
https://pabloariasal.github.io/2022/11/12/couring-1 #cpp #cpplang #programming
Is there a way to make #opencv and #exiv2 operate on the same buffer so I don't have to reload the file?
I only need to load an image into an opencv matix, read from it and modify the UserComment #exif tag.
#cpp #cppLang #programming #programmingHelp
#opencv #exiv2 #exif #cpp #cpplang #programming #programminghelp
cpp-rotor: Event loop friendly C++ actor micro-framework, supervisable
https://github.com/basiliscos/cpp-rotor #programming #cpp #CppLang #git #ActorModel
#programming #cpp #cpplang #git #actormodel
Why `const` matters | Julien Jorge's Personal Website
https://julien.jorge.st/posts/en/why-const-matters #cpp #cppLang #programming
Optimizing C++: General Strategies
https://www.tantalon.com/pete/cppopt/general.htm #cpp #cppLang #programming
Optimizing C++ Compilation: The Trouble With Templates – virtuallyrandom
http://virtuallyrandom.com/optimizing-c-compilation-the-trouble-with-templates #cpp #cppLang #programming
C++ Final Optimizations
https://www.tantalon.com/pete/cppopt/final.htm #cpp #cppLang #programming
Useful for embedded
Using "Thin Templates" to Reduce Application Size | CodeGuru
https://www.codeguru.com/cplusplus/using-thin-templates-to-reduce-application-size #cpp #cppLang #programming #embeddedDeveloper #embeddedDev
#cpp #cpplang #programming #embeddeddeveloper #embeddeddev
Parsing at 1 GB/s!
Comparing strtod with from_chars (GCC 12)
https://lemire.me/blog/2022/07/27/comparing-strtod-with-from_chars-gcc-12/ #cpp #cppLang #programming
Parsing floats in C++: benchmarking strtod vs. from_chars
https://lemire.me/blog/2020/09/10/parsing-floats-in-c-benchmarking-strtod-vs-from_chars/ #cpp #cppLang #programming
Simple C++20 input and output iterators – Arthur O'Dwyer – Stuff mostly about C++
https://quuxplusone.github.io/blog/2023/01/27/sinkerator/ #cpp #CppLang #programming