📢 C'est parti !! La 1re session d'échanges échiquéens du projet #QuotiChess démarre dès la semaine prochaine sur Mastodon 🦣 et par mail 📨!
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pays 🇫🇷🇨🇦🇺🇸🇨🇭🇬🇧
#Échecs #CPS #EMI #EMC #Maths #Communication #EduNum #chess
#TeamPE #TeamProf #TeamEduc #Education #Pédagogie #Numérique #Projets #Echanges
#quotichess #echecs #cps #emi #emc #maths #communication #edunum #chess #teampe #teamprof #teameduc #education #pedagogie #numerique #projets #echanges
📢 Plus qu'une petite semaine pour finaliser son inscription à la 1ere session d'#Échecs entre classes (septembre à décembre).
♟️Une façon ludique de travailler des compétences #maths #français mais également les #cps #emc #emi !
👉 https://quotichess.wordpress.com/inscription/
#TeamPE #TeamProf #TeamEduc #MastoProf #Education #Pedagogie #Chess
#echecs #maths #francais #cps #emc #emi #teampe #teamprof #teameduc #mastoprof #education #pedagogie #chess
Only five of 64 arrested at Charles’s coronation charged with an offence | UK news | The Guardian
#coronation #met #police #arrests #cps #protest
In the same context, this ⤵️ extract is taken from “How the right took back control of Labour: The Starmer Project review”
by Terina Hine in #Counterfire @counterfireorg
“#Starmer’s close relationship with the #US state will be a revelation to many. During his tenure [as Director of Public Prosecutions] the #CPS [Crown Prosecution Service] acted ‘as a proxy’ (p.29) for the US State Department overseas, with Starmer himself becoming an envoy for the US Department of Justice.
He forged close links with US Attorney General, Eric Holder, at one point going way beyond his remit by promising to secure Gary #McKinnon’s extradition – a young man who, while looking for evidence of UFOs, hacked into US military databases.
Eagleton describes Starmer’s ‘fury’ (p.31) with [former UK Prime Minister] Theresa May when, as Home Secretary, she stopped the extradition. In one heart-rending passage Eagleton quotes McKinnon’s mother after she met Starmer to plead her son’s case.
In it she tells of Starmer’s response to her pleas: ‘I’m feeling very uncomfortable,’ said Mr Starmer. ‘Speaking to you is making me feel very uncomfortable’ (p.30). His lack of interest and concern in her son could not have been more transparent.”
#counterfire #starmer #us #cps #mckinnon #starmerlies #stopstarmer #labour #labourlies #redtories
spannend dieses #cps muss wohl die gleiche mafia wie #kesb sein... schon krass wie die unschuldige leute fi***n - homeschooling ist erlaubt in den usa und doch nimmt cps die kinder den eltern weg obwohl in dem aktuellen fall alle lernziele bisher immer erreicht worden sind....
@therightarticle Lest we forget: “[Oliver] #Eagleton’s account of Keir (#KidStarver) #Starmer [The Starmer Project : A Journey to the Right] shows him, convincingly and at length, to be an unscrupulous, dishonest, and thin-skinned individual. His record as head of the Crown Prosecution Service (#CPS) indicates that he should not be trusted with state power” via @jvoicelabour
#eagleton #kidstarver #starmer #cps
The derails of the #AndrewMalkinson miscarriage of #justice just get worse.... after three years the evidence was there that pretty clearly threw his conviction into serious doubt... but it would be about THIRTEEN years until he was freed....
For the #ruleoflaw to be effective justice has to be seen to be done... the #Police & the #CPS in this case have served both the victim & Malkinson very badly.
#andrewmalkinson #justice #RuleofLaw #police #cps
Police and prosecutors in the Andrew Malkinson case knew there was another man’s DNA on the victim’s clothes in 2007 – three years after he was wrongly convicted of rape – but he remained in prison for another 13 years.
This is a shocking read and raises the question how many more cases there are like this.
#Police #CPS #Evidence #AndrewMalkinson #Rape
#rape #andrewmalkinson #evidence #cps #Police
#Police and #CPS had key DNA evidence 16 years before #AndrewMalkinson cleared of rape
No action taken despite 2007 discovery of searchable male DNA profile on rape victim’s top that did not match Malkinson’s
📢 Les inscriptions pour la prochaine rentrée scolaire sont toujours ouvertes ! Vous avez jusqu'au 09 septembre pour inscrire votre classe et créer votre compte sur l'instance #Mastodon de l'association
@scollectif !
➡️ https://mastodon.scollectif.fr/@quotichess/110666056306241827
#TeamPE #TeamProf #TeamEduc #MastoProf #Education #Numérique #SeriousGame #CPS #EMI #EMC #Maths
#mastodon #echecs #chess #teampe #teamprof #teameduc #mastoprof #education #numerique #seriousgame #cps #emi #emc #maths
♟️ INSCRIPTIONS 2023 🦣♟️
Les inscriptions pour les échanges échiquéens entre classes sont ouvertes ! Le jeu d’#Échecs engage réflexion, analyse, anticipation, argumentation, autant de compétences à développer chez les élèves.
#EMI #CPS #EMC #Maths
➡️ https://quotichess.wordpress.com/inscription/
#TeamPE #TeamProf #TeamEduc #Education #Numérique #Maths #Communication
#echecs #emi #cps #emc #maths #teampe #teamprof #teameduc #education #numerique #communication
L’association @scollectif est heureuse de vous présenter le @petitbridgechallenge , 14e dispositif proposé par @ebc974 en partenariat avec la #FF_Bridge !
Des #défis entre classes autour du jeu du #PetitBridge
#Maths #Calcul #Logique #EMC #EMI #CPS
#JohannaBasti #Academie_Paris
#ff_bridge #defis #petitbridge #maths #calcul #logique #emc #emi #cps #johannabasti #academie_paris
Excellente 2e journée de formation départementale des référents #pHARe menée par l’équipe de la @DSDEN_40 : entre apports théoriques et cas pratiques ! #NAH #GestionDeCrise #GestionDeConflits #CPS #MPP
#education #teamprof #teamEduc #teamcpc #teampe #mpp #cps #gestiondeconflits #gestiondecrise #nah #phare
Dernière séance d’#Échecs avec la classe des CP/CE1 ♟️Introduction du déplacement de la #Tour et petits matchs de 6 min avec bonus, si mise en échecs du #Roi.
On poursuit les échanges avec le projet @quotichess !
#dsden_40 #ffechecs #chess #calcul #maths #cps #emc #strategie #roi #tour #echecs
Despite a federal mandate to improve child wellbeing, new study finds no evidence that contact with the child welfare system improves child outcomes. CPS contact was associated with worse mental health and developmental outcomes.
#NICHDImpact #CPS #MentalHealth #ChildDevelopment #Youth #ChildWelfare #ChildWellbeing
#NICHDimpact #cps #mentalhealth #childdevelopment #youth #childwelfare #childwellbeing
RT @SMaurizi@twitter.com
We'll publish new info on the destruction of key documents on Julian #Assange by the #CrownProsecutionService soon.
To bring some lightness:the barrister who has been representing #CPS in our #fOIA litigation has been included among the 21 'most attractive' male barristers in UK
#assange #crownprosecutionservice #cps #foia
Has CPS in Colorado been called about this alleged abuse by Boebert's husband? This kid sounds frightened.
#childabuse #LaurenBoebert #colorado #cps #911_calls #garfieldcounty #riflecolorado #1-844-CO4-KIDS #1-844-264-5437
#childabuse #LaurenBoebert #colorado #cps #911_calls #garfieldcounty #riflecolorado
Home again, last shift until Thursday. I’ve just cracked open a beer, am about to play some AC Valhalla before bed. I’m in no rush to go there tonight. I usually get home and head straight to bed, but I’m going to take some time to unwind tonight.
I am grateful to the police - 3 PCs, 3 sergeants and an inspector - for their efforts on my behalf today. I’m once again terribly frustrated with and disappointed in the #CPS, but it is what is.
Of course, my personal previous experience has shown me that there is no #justice in the criminal justice system.
The last time this happened, the #CPS didn’t think pursuing a charge was worthwhile. Even if they do this time, I know there will be no real consequences when it gets to Court.
There’s no deterrent. No consequences and nothing to deter this abhorrent behaviour.
I can’t adequately express how that makes me as the #victim feel.
It’s really fucking shit.