RT @NCIJBSloan: New resource coming from #CPTAC! It includes #proteomic and post-translational modifications, whole genome and whole exome sequencing, miRNA and totalRNA sequencing, imaging, and clinical information for over 1,000 cancer patients across 10 tumor types. https://proteomics.cancer.gov/news_and_announcements/introducing-suite-pan-cancer-multi-omic-papers-cptac
RT @CellRepMed: ONLINE NOW: A Pan-Cancer multi-omics paper from @theNCI Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium #CPTAC. Deep learning integrates histopathology and proteogenomics at a pan-cancer level. @compproteomics @NYU @ALazarMDPhD @MDAndersonNews #deeplearning #AI #pathology
#cptac #deeplearning #ai #pathology
RT @: #CPTAC pan-cancer papers! Great work by a huge team, identifying the phenotypic consequences of mutation across 10 cancer types. Proteogenomics FTW!
Driver mutations: https://cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(23)00780-8…
Protein modifications:
Does anyone know how to obtain phosphorylation state of specific proteins in #cancer? #CPTAC and the #Proteomics Data Commons seems to have such data but I struggling to find it. Web based or API are ok.
#cancer #cptac #proteomics #massspectrometry #omics #bioinformatics