After the #CPX soft-opening celebration, I decided to ride a short distance down the path—why not? Gotta give it a test ride.
I didn't mean to go more than a few segments, but before I knew it... I was looking at Lechmere Station! 😮 So I decided to time my ride back:
10 minutes from Lowell St to Lechmere. I can't believe it. 🙏
The Community Path Extension is open!
This morning I attended the #CPX "soft opening" at Somerville Junction Park, complete with a mariachi band. (Which they somehow managed to get on 12 hours notice, because yeah: The city didn't know until yesterday either!)
It was well attended, and Mayor Ballantyne gave a great deal of recognition to all of the community organizers who tirelessly worked at this over the decades, providing not just advocacy but also plans, numbers, and options. Well done!
Seeing this makes me feel a bit better about the #Somerville #CPX still not being open yet. Actual construction work! Wet concrete! I think there are also still some open drainage lines along the path (possibly French drains?) that would be real ankle-twisters. S
I find this #Somerville #GLX update really curious:
It's announcing that there will be a closure of part of the Community Path Extension (#CPX) for some months, but don't worry, there will be a two-way cycle-lane detour on a nearby street to replace that segment.
Which is great, don't get me wrong, but the CPX *hasn't opened yet*! The city has been very clear on this.
RT @zeitungsboy
✅️Karneval gewonnen
✅️Bolsonaro besiegt
Die Favelas #CPX #Alemão sind neuer #Carnaval2023-Champion, mit ihrer Sambaschule #Imperatriz! Vorher haben sie schon Bolsonaro besiegt😉!
Mehr zu Rios "heißestem" Stadtteil im Moment in meinem Text @ndaktuell
#cpx #alemao #carnaval2023 #Imperatriz
It's unfortunate that the designers of the #CPX Community Path Extension did not take snow removal into account when designing the path.
Camp Diesel eh?
The right mate for any journey? ⚡️🧤
Definitely CPx, which allows me to ride any road in a green and cool way.
#vmoto #jlxvmoto #SuperSoco #CPx #journeys #road #newmobility #EV #Cool #greenmobility
#vmoto #jlxvmoto #supersoco #cpx #journeys #road #newmobility #ev #cool #GreenMobility
Vorsicht Spam-Maschine: Die cpx online active AG mit Sitz in der Schweiz
Spam, Spam, nichts als Spam! Tagtäglich trudeln bei abertausenden Menschen, Unternehmen und bei mir Werbe-Spam-Mails von der cpx online active AG, Ortsgmeindstrass
#Cyberrisiken #Datenschutz #Spam #cpx #Newsletter #Posteingang #Spam #Spam-Flut #Spam-Maschine #Spam-Maschinerie #Spamfilter #Verteiler #vorsicht #Werbe-Spams
#Cyberrisiken #datenschutz #spam #cpx #newsletter #posteingang #spamfilter #verteiler #vorsicht #werbe
Para os podres que agrediram a mim e ao meu neto esclareço: prefiro que ele cresça entendendo a luta de uma comunidade onde a maioria dos moradores é de trabalhadores, como o Complexo #cpx, do que que ele seja um ignorante, fanático ou facista.