The ED and CBI have also detailed how Mondal, as the TMC president in Birbhum district, used his power and influence to purchase properties from people at rates much lower than the market value.
#BengalCattleScam #CBI #EDConfiscatePropertiesWorth #Cr #AnubrataMondal
#bengalcattlescam #cbi #edconfiscatepropertiesworth #cr #anubratamondal
📝 SWAP: Exploiting Second-Ranked Logits for Adversarial Attacks on Time Series 🧠👾
"SWAP focuses on enhancing the confidence of the second-ranked logits while minimizing the manipulation of other logits via minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the target logit distribution and the predictive logit distribution." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #AI #CR
Betanews: Sabrent launches CR-C4PM USB-C multi-card reader #SabrentUSB-CMulti-CardReader #Cross-PlatformCompatibility #High-speedcardreader #MemoryCardSolutions #Portablecardreader #CFexpressTypeB #CR-C4PMReview #UHS-IISupport #TechGadgets #CFast2.0 #Article
#sabrentusb #cross #high #memorycardsolutions #portablecardreader #cfexpresstypeb #cr #uhs #techgadgets #cfast2 #article
📝 When Measures Are Unreliable: Imperceptible Adversarial Perturbations Toward Top-$K$ Multi-Label Learning 🔭🧠
"Consists of three components, including (1) a visual imperceptibility component; (2) a measure imperceptibility component; (3) an overall imperceptibility component, which combines the previous two." [gal30b+] 🤖 #CV #CR #LG
📝 Everything Perturbed All at Once: Enabling Differentiable Graph Attacks 🧠
"A novel attack method called differentiable graph attack (DGA) is proposed to efficiently generate effective attacks without costly retraining of graph neural networks (GNNs)." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #CR #SI
🔗 #arxiv
📝 On the Steganographic Capacity of Selected Learning Models 🧠
"Works by overwriting the low-order bits of the trained parameters of a machine learning model, and by monitoring the model’s performance to determine when the model can no longer tolerate this overwriting." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #CR #MM
Bueno, resulta que #CR está entre los países con un muy buen desarrollo en «Deep Tech» Algo se ha hecho bien, y mucho parte por la educación y por supuesto que el empuje personal. A ver coterráneos a ponerle más. #technology
📝 Imperceptible Adversarial Attack on Deep Neural Networks From Image Boundary 🧠🔭
"A Boundary Attack (BA) is proposed to find Adversarial Examples (AEs) that can easily fool the deep learning models by using only 32% of the input image content (from the boundaries)." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #CR #CV
📝 LCANets++: Robust Audio Classification Using Multi-Layer Neural Networks with Lateral Competition 🔊🧠
"LCANets++ are CNNs that perform sparse coding in multiple layers via LCA and are more robust than standard CNNs and LCANets against perturbations and adversarial attacks, e." [gal30b+] 🤖 #SD #CR #LG
📝 Sample Complexity of Robust Learning Against Evasion Attacks 🧠
"Gives algorithms and lower bounds for the problem of robustly learning a target concept $c$, where the adversary can perturb each example in $c^{-1}(1)$ by a Hamming distance of at most $\epsilon$." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #CR
📝 A Probabilistic Fluctuation Based Membership Inference Attack for Generative Models 🧠👾🔭
"PFAMI infers membership in generative models by detecting the trend of increasing probability distribution of generating records around the member record, which is achieved by analyzing the overall probabilistic fluctuations." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #AI #CR #CV
📝 Adversarial Training Using Feedback Loops 🧠
"Based on a new approach to adversarial training that is inspired by feedback control theory in order to improve DNN robustness to adversarial attacks and generalize well to out-of-distribution samples and noisy data." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #CR
📝 Performance Comparison and Implementation of Bayesian Variants for Network Intrusion Detection 🧠
"A classification algorithm based on Bayes theorem and conditional probability which assumes that a given class attribute is dependent on one or more feature attributes that are conditionally independent given the value of the class attribute." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #CR
📝 Temporal-Distributed Backdoor Attack Against Video Based Action Recognition 🔭👾
"Our proposed attack adds perturbations in a transformed domain to plant an imperceptible temporally distributed trigger across the video frames, and is resilient against existing defensive strategies such as (pre-)training data cleansing, fine-tuning and adversarial training." [gal30b+] 🤖 #CV #AI #CR
📝 Backdoor Mitigation by Correcting the Distribution of Neural Activations 🧠
"Reverse-engineered triggers are used to restore the distribution of the internal layer activations altered by backdoor training, and correct the mispredictions on the backdoor-trigger instances." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #CR
📝 DUAW: Data-Free Universal Adversarial Watermark Against Stable Diffusion Customization 🔭🧠
"DUAW is designed to disrupt the variational autoencoder during SD customization in a data-free context, where it is trained on synthetic images produced by a Large Language Model and a pretrained SD model." [gal30b+] 🤖 #CV #CR #LG
No hay golpe más fuerte que el que te da la realidad cuando te das cuenta de que no todo es como creías.
#aqd #cr #corazonroto #felizdia #agosto #verano #jueves #mastodont
#aqd #cr #corazonroto #felizdia #agosto #verano #jueves #mastodont
📝 Backpropagation Path Search on Adversarial Transferability 🔭🧠
"Proposes backPropagation pAth Search (PAS), an adversarial example attack method with structural reparameterization to adjust the backpropagation path of convolutions and one-step approximation based Bayesian Optimization to find the optimal path." [gal30b+] 🤖 #CV #CR #LG
No hay lugar más triste que ese donde te recuerdas feliz.
#amq #cr #corazonroto #miercoles #verano #agosto #felizdia
#amq #cr #corazonroto #miercoles #verano #agosto #felizdia