Internet lore tells us the story of Cheapass Games, founded by prolific gamemaker James Ernest in 1996 ...
JHarris posts about Ernest's new (2020) Crab Fragment Labs, "offering an array of both pay-what-you-want-to-print and paid-for physical products: card games, board games, quick-playing and easy-to-learn pub games, solitaire games and a wide assortment of the best of the old Cheapass Games in Cheapassic Park."
#Boardgames #CardGames #CheapAssGames #CrabFragmentGames #games #JamesErnest #PayWhatYouWant #PrintOnDemand #PubGames
#boardgames #cardgames #cheapassgames #crabfragmentgames #games #jamesernest #paywhatyouwant #PrintOnDemand #pubgames