Ted Tocks Covers - Year 6 - Day 90
‘Kerosene Hat’ by Cracker was released on this day 30 years ago.
“Sometimes I wanna take you down
Sometime I wanna get you low
Brush your hair back from your eyes
Take you down let the river flow
Sometimes I go and walk the street
Behind a green sheet of glass
A million miles below their feet
A million miles, a million miles”
#cracker #lydialunchandcypressgrove
#Cracker is out on tour, check 'em out!
#Cracker Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville pledged to ‘donate every dime’ to veterans. He hasn’t. - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/tommy-tuberville-veterans-fact-checker/
#Cracker Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville on Tuesday said, simply and for the first time, that "white nationalists are racists."
That remark to reporters marked a reversal from days of controversial comments to the contrary. https://news.yahoo.com/tommy-tuberville-triples-down-claim-172722119.html
Un cibercriminal siempre está alerta y planificando nuevas formas de estafa digital. Ante la supuesta ausencia de dolares de Bolivia, han empezado a clonar cuentas de Facebook e Instagram e incluso algunos con mejores habilidades, logran crackear la cuenta de usuarios de dichas redes sociales. Una vez hecho esto proceden a una estafa digital con una supuesta venta de dólares.
Mal schauen, wer danach noch sagt sein #Passwort ist vor dem #Cracker in der Cloud noch sicher ;-) Are Your #Passwords in the Green?
#hacking #cloud #password #security #sicherheit #passwords #cracker #passwort
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MorningShow
🎵 Low
#nowplaying #morningshow #cracker
heating your substrates by just whacking the shit out of them with a giant paddle is kinda awesome
#chemiverse #cracker #polymers #C&ENews
#chemiverse #cracker #polymers #c
#lindseygraham #cracker #fake #politicians #maga #republicans #liars #cheaters #trump
🔊 #NowPlaying on #KEXP's #MorningShow
🎵 Happy Birthday to Me
#nowplaying #kexp #morningshow #cracker
Closing Time | Low https://sargasso.nl/closing-time-low-3/ #Cultuur&Media #Cracker #rock #Low
La sicurezza informatica del settore automobilistico è ancora un ambito relativamente nuovo. (cit.)
Va benissimo l'auto elettrica e tutto ciò che ne deriverà, ma attenzione!🙏
#Cracker (da non confondere con gli Hacker)
Minor Key . Net Playlist 3/20/23
#LouReed #Cracker #CrosbyStillNashAndYoung #AgentOrange #BobDylan #Galaxie500
#AppleMusic: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-3-20-23/pl.u-kv9llBvTJDykG6p
#Qobuz: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/14058499
#Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2QKqKQAbFTdFmf7b9XXBcu?si=b83700fced414b5b
#NowPlaying #MastoMusic #Music #IndieMusic @indiemusic #DavidCrosby #StephenStills #GrahamNash #NeilYoung #Playlist #Dylan
#loureed #cracker #crosbystillnashandyoung #agentorange #bobdylan #galaxie500 #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #nowplaying #mastomusic #music #indiemusic #davidcrosby #stephenstills #grahamnash #neilyoung #playlist #dylan
📬 Interview with Galahad: “A boy has to have a hobby”
#Demoszene #English #JurassicPack #Amiga #Cracker #Fairlight #Galahad #LeedsSpreadingDivision #RobNorthenCopylock #Scoopex https://tarnkappe.info/jurassic-pack/interview-with-galahad-a-boy-has-to-have-a-hobby-266529.html
#Scoopex #robnorthencopylock #leedsspreadingdivision #Galahad #fairlight #cracker #amiga #JurassicPack #english #demoszene
Gute Butter
Zwei Gläser schönes #Ghee (geklärte #Butter) habe ich heute gemacht. Und zwei Bleche #Cracker aus #Sauerteig gebacken. Und eigentlich auch noch drei #Toastbrote. Aber da ich vergessen hatte, die #Hefe zuzugeben, war die ganze Mühe für die Katz. Ich werde wohl langsam senil. 🙄
#ghee #butter #cracker #sauerteig #toastbrote #hefe
Happy birthday to Christopher Eccleston aka the ninth Doctor hope you have the most fantastic birthday 🥳 #happybirthday #christophereccleston #actor #ninthdoctor #newwho #doctorwho #tardis #bigfinish #badwolf #fantastic #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #myedit #drwhofandom #whovian #9thdoctor #ninerose #timelord #legend #elizabeth #theothers #lethimhaveit #cracker #safehouse #theaword #lucan #favoriteactor
#happybirthday #ChristopherEccleston #actor #ninthdoctor #newwho #doctorwho #tardis #bigfinish #BadWolf #fantastic #drwho #bbcdoctorwho #myedit #drwhofandom #whovian #9thdoctor #ninerose #timelord #legend #elizabeth #TheOthers #lethimhaveit #cracker #safehouse #theaword #Lucan #favoriteactor
Which of these future human achievements has higher #probability of fruition?
1. Colonisation of Pluto & weekly broadcasts of #gilmoregirls Seasons 9 - 42?
2. Design & manufacture of a Salada / Sao / generic dry #cracker biscuit that supports reliable biting-into without cracking along 7 random hitherto invisible fracture-planes then falling from your hand & [if coated with #peanutbutter] smearing over your face, staining your dress/blouse, then falling onto the floor p/b-side down?
#probability #gilmoregirls #cracker #peanutbutter
I know the whiskey, it won't soothe my soul
And the morphine won't heal my heart
But if you take me down to the infirmary
I won't have to sleep or drink alone