#hobbystreak #CraftStreak day 11? I think. Not able for much due to my stupid hip #subluxations (partial dislocations) so cranked out 2 kids hats on my #knittingmachine. #hypermobility
Side note I ordered a new hip brace today should be here by Friday. Lost my old one during the house move and corsets aren't cutting it.
#hobbystreak #craftstreak #subluxations #knittingmachine #hypermobility
I've forgotten to keep count of my #HobbyStreak #CraftStreak i know today is at least day 3, I did approx 100 stitches yesterday and the day before, approx 260 stitches today. It's much easier to do a stitch count on the full coverage #WIP but I don't bother counting on my other cross stitch WIP. I've also got a #crochet wolf hood project that son asked me to make, hoping it doesn't end up in a drawer like the one I made his sister.
#hobbystreak #craftstreak #wip #crochet