An AI for troubleshooting Kubernetes!
Today on #CraftVsCruft we're joined by Kyle Forster, CEO of RunWhen, who shares what they've learned integrating AI into their troubleshooting platform.
Can you be prepared for suprice?
Intro to Resilience Engineering on the latest episode of #CraftVsCruft!
If we talked about #TheoryOfConstraints even 1/10th as much as we talk about Story Points, the world would be a better place.
Or so I recently claimed!
Enterprise #Agile Coach Nicole Safely joins us today on #CraftVsCruft to dive in. Enjoy!
#theoryofconstraints #craftvscruft #agile
The year's first episode of #CraftVsCruft is "Can you measure productivity?" Hope you enjoy!
#craftvscruft #softwareengineering #productivity #agile #scrum