This is a #PSA for those that don't know the difference between a #MAGA politician and a #DarkMAGA politician in #Tennessee , where we are swamped with BOTH kinds.
An altercation between the Rutherford County Mayor, #JoeCarr (MAGA) and County Commissioner #CraigHarris (Dark MAGA) was caught on video, and the transcript makes the distinction clear - it is the love of violence to address #grievances. 👀
#psa #MAGA #DarkMAGA #tennessee #joecarr #craigharris #grievances
#UltraMAGA Rutherford County Commissioner #CraigHarris *represents* District 15. 🤔
The Deplorable rot is not just in the #TNleg!
#ultramaga #craigharris #tnleg
“All hate begins as self-hate.” - Dalai Lama
“HAT + RED = HATRED” - Jules Suzdaltsev
#CraigHarris #RutherfordCounty #Tennessee 💩 📻 👉
#SaveAmerica from the #DarkMAGA cult!
#craigharris #rutherfordcounty #tennessee #saveamerica #DarkMAGA