3ICE Championship Week Recap – The Patrick Cup Has Been Won
The second season of 3ICE hockey is now complete as the Patrick Cup, also known as “The Patty” was handed out in Philadelphia on Saturday. Team Johnston, Team Murphy, Team Patrick, and Team Bourque battled it out in the standard 3ICE tournament style. The t...
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#3ICE #CraigPatrick #EdJohnston #LarryMurphy #RayBourque
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#3ICE #craigpatrick #edjohnston #larrymurphy #RayBourque #nhl #hockey
3ICE: A Look at the Four Finalists Paths to Championship Weekend
The 3ICE Championship is almost here. Gone are the six weeks of teams touring hockey-crazed cities hosting the flashiness of 3ICE's speed and skill. Four teams are traveling to Philadelphia to play for the Patrick Cup on Aug. 12, each earning ...
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#3ICE #CraigPatrick #EdJohnston #LarryMurphy #RayBourque
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#3ICE #craigpatrick #edjohnston #larrymurphy #RayBourque #nhl #hockey
3ICE Championship Weekend: Who’s Playing For The Patrick Cup?
It all comes down to this. The 3ICE regular season is over, as fans eagerly await puck drop on Saturday. Four teams will enter Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia on August 12, but only one will leave a winner. Over the last few weeks, Teams Murph...
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#3ICE #CraigPatrick #EdJohnston #LarryMurphy #RayBourque
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#3ICE #craigpatrick #edjohnston #larrymurphy #RayBourque #nhl #hockey
3ICE Week 5: Team Patrick Aims to Remain Perfect
Week 5 of 3ICE is headed to Boston, Massachusetts, bringing its exciting three-on-three style. Like every week, there will be two semi-final matches, where each winner will grab one point. The losers will face off in the consolation bracket for 0.5 points. The ...
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#3ICE #CraigPatrick #GuyCarbonneau #PatrickMullen #RayBourque
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3ICE: Season Opening Pittsburgh Tour Recap
The 3ICE hockey season got underway this week as Team Patrick, Team Fuhr, Team Johnston & Team Carbonneau were in action for the first tournament. The two winners of the first two games would face each other to be crowned winner of the Pittsburgh Tour, while ...
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#3ICE #BrandonPirri #CraigPatrick #GrantFuhr #JohnSchiavo #TylerMurovich
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#3ICE #brandonpirri #craigpatrick #GrantFuhr #johnschiavo #tylermurovich #nhl #hockey
3ICE Wired: Bringing the Benches to the Broadcast
3ICE Wired was a segment introduced to the 3ICE broadcasts throughout their inaugural season. It featured excerpts from coaches’ reactions, pep talks, or any other interesting stuff from behind the bench. The idea is similar to the NHL’s Mic’d Up series,...
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#3ICE #BryanTrottier #CraigPatrick #GrantFuhr #JoeMullen #JohnLeclair
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#3ICE #bryantrottier #craigpatrick #GrantFuhr #joemullen #JohnLeclair #nhl #hockey
John LeClair Juggling 3ICE, Flyers Roles in Second Year as Coach
John LeClair faces the Philadelphia Flyers media. Following an overhauling of management by ownership, LeClair becomes the latest addition of a string of hires hoping to create a winning culture in the City of Brotherly Love. One-third of the Legion of Doom, LeCl...
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#3ICE #FlyersManagement #CraigPatrick #JohnLeclair
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#3ICE #FlyersManagement #craigpatrick #JohnLeclair #nhl #hockey
3ICE Commissioner Craig Patrick: From Concept to Coaching
Mario Lemieux's close friend opens his home to the esteemed Lemieux Fantasy Hockey Camp participants. A flood of hockey legends engrained in NHL lore enters his house. Powerful figures ranging from general managers to Hall-of-Fame players are on the invite list to the dinner party.
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Joe Mullen Is Enjoying Family & Friendship as a 3ICE Head Coach
It's June 16, 1990, and Joe Mullen’s phone rings. Cliff Fletcher, general manager of the Calgary Flames, is on the other end. He informs Mullen has been traded to the Pittsburgh Penguins, thanks him for his contributions to the organization, and hangs up.
Craig Patrick, the Pittsbu...
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