"The evidence that we have from both NZ and around the world is that even quite substantial increases to a Living Wage or to the mininum wage lead to very small increases in general inflation. Overall the economic evidence is around a 10% increase in minimum wages lead to around a 0.1% to 0.4% increase in inflation."
#CraigRenney, Economist and Director of Policy at NZ CTU, 2023
"An economist says concerns an increased living wage will push up inflation are unfounded. The living wage will jump to $26 in September - an almost 10 per cent rise. Economist and Director of Policy at New Zealand Council of Trade Unions, #CraigRenney, told #CharlotteCook it's common for people to be concerned that this will further hurt inflation, but the data doesn't back that up."
#craigrenney #charlottecook #rnz #inflation #livingwage #ctu