AK-47 wielding man in Pita Pockets confrontation was on probation :
Also recovered: rifle magazines, a knife, a radio, and a high temperature flare. A park ranger also found a Glock handgun on the roadway near the Bear Cut Bridge.
#AK47 #AshantiEarp #CrandonBoulevard #Glock #PitaPockets
#Miami #news
#ak47 #ashantiearp #crandonboulevard #glock #pitapockets #miami #News
Crandon intersection project delays anger residents :
Village officials placed blame on County permitting snags and problems with uncharted underground utilities.
#BrettMoss #CairoCangas #construction #CrandonBoulevard #digonce #JoeRasco #KeyColony #MiamiDadeCounty #permot #traffic #utility #waterandsewer
#Miami #news
#brettmoss #cairocangas #construction #crandonboulevard #digonce #joerasco #keycolony #miamidadecounty #permot #traffic #utility #waterandsewer #miami #News
Man with AK-47 focus of Key Biscayne wild chase and crash :
“There was no ammunition, he was just wanting to scare me,” the owner said. “His purpose here was to fight me.”
#Chase #CityofMiami #CrandonBoulevard #FrankSousa #PitaPockets #rifle
#Miami #news
#chase #cityofmiami #crandonboulevard #franksousa #pitapockets #rifle #miami #News
Man with AK-47 focus of Key Biscayne wild chase and crash :
“There was no ammunition, he was just wanting to scare me,” the owner said. “His purpose here was to fight me.”
#Chase #CityofMiami #CrandonBoulevard #FrankSousa #PitaPockets #rifle
#Miami #news
#chase #cityofmiami #crandonboulevard #franksousa #pitapockets #rifle #miami #News
KB police involved in chase of suspect, police car crashes :
When Key Biscayne officers got the alert and approached the area, a pursuit ensued off the Key, where there was a crash on the mainland, but Sousa said there were no injuries.
#Chase #CityofMiami #CrandonBoulevard #FrankSousa
#Miami #news
#chase #cityofmiami #crandonboulevard #franksousa #miami #News
First day of school brings smiles - and a few (temporary) frowns. :
Miami-Dade school officials said 845 students arrived at the K-8 on the first day, compared to 922 last October. At MAST Academy on Virginia Key, there were 1,484 starting classes, compared to 1,613 last year.
#CrandonBoulevard #firstdayofschool #JoseDotres #K8Center #MASTAcademy #MDCPS #Student #Teacher #traffic #vacancies
#crandonboulevard #firstdayofschool #josedotres #k8center #mastacademy #mdcps #student #teacher #traffic #vacancies
Michelle Estevez – a driving force behind the Fourth of July parade :
"To be part of the parade is that it's like I'm serving the United States of America. It's a beauty, it's an honor.”
#CrandonBoulevard #FourthofJuly #IndependenceDay #KeyBiscayne #MicheleEstevez #parade
#Miami #news
#crandonboulevard #fourthofjuly #independenceday #keybiscayne #micheleestevez #Parade #miami #News
Lopez: Growing will in Tallahassee to regulate e-bikes, electronic scooters :
#AlexisCalatyud #CrandonBoulevard #DrJoelRudman #ebike #escooter #JoeRasco #Legislature #RepCyndiStevenson #safety #SteveWilliamson #traffic #VickiLopez
#Miami #news
#alexiscalatyud #crandonboulevard #drjoelrudman #ebike #escooter #joerasco #legislature #repcyndistevenson #safety #stevewilliamson #traffic #vickilopez #miami #News