I can only assume that Microsoft deliberately aim for horrific web UI. That kind of shit doesn’t happen by accident. #azure #MicrosoftAds #CrapDesign #ui #ux
#azure #microsoftads #crapdesign #ui #ux
Why is it that road builders can NEVER get drainage right at drop-kerb crossings? Every one on the new Trams to Newhaven tram route is a massive puddle after it rains, so pedestrians have the joy of getting soaked by vehicles whilst they wait for a green man, and then they have to walk through ankle-deep manky ponds at either side of the crossing.
Once again, it's a loud "screw you guys" from the developers to pedestrians.
#dropkerbcrossings #crapinfra #crapdesign #tramstonewhaven
Can anyone else spot the problem with this Trams To Newhaven drop-kerb crossing on Ocean Drive? 🙄
#planningfail #crapdesign #tramstonewhaven